Everything hurt.

I managed to slip in with what crack I opened in the door and kicked it shut-- even that hurt.

Fucking assholes!

Taking a failure wasn't their thing, I guess. But, when racing with me, they had to get used to the feeling.

Someone gasped at my right and I met those big and dark warm eyes which zoomed on me.

Tabby was next to shriek with her eyes bugging out her sockets. It was almost comical and I wanted to laugh at them. Wanted to. She jumped up beside her sister, whose name was still MIA to me.

I glanced around the house and couldn't see Linda anywhere. Huff! That was a relief.

I took a step further inside and immediately ceased when the stinging ache in my right leg shot up, causing me to crouch down while I held my breath, but then my probably broken ribs felt like they were twisting inside of me and I almost cried out straightening.

This was embarrassing.

"What happened to you? Oh god! You need to go to the hospital." Dark eyes rushed to me, almost as if she was worried about me. Her honey blonde hair were left loose. She eyes my every cut, gash, scratch, and bruise that was visible to her eyes.

It felt like she could see beyond my skin and know how much pain I really was in. So I glanced away and started to walk upstairs, ignoring her sweet scent which brought strange relief to my lungs.

But then surprising me and probably herself, she grabbed my arm and a tremor shot through me like a buzzing electricity. I guessed she felt it too because she jerked back with wide eyes, those plumped lips parted open.

I swallowed the lump.

She licked her lips-- which she did a lot, and shook her head. My heart was picking speed. Stupid heart. "Fine if you don't wanna to go to the hospital but at least put some medicine on it. I'll get the medical box. Don't go anywhere." Her voice was just above a low whisper and I swallowed again at words.

I didn't have anyone except Jeanette who took care of me. Who the hell she thought she was?!

Something on my face must have given her a hint of my distaste at her words because she explained, "I have done a nursing course. I know my way around things... I can--" Suddenly I realized that I had tuned her out, my gaze stuck at her moving lips, her injured hand, and then traveled back up to her big dancing eyes.

What did she want from me? Why was she being kind to me after what I had insulted her? Twice.

Rage shot through me and I stepped forward, towering over her small frame. She had curves but she lacked in height department. And I didn't know why but I really liked this fact.

She bit her lip and started to fidget with her hands. It was working. Did she know how adorable it made her look when she did this? Because that would absolutely explain her perfect timing of using this move on me.

I scowled at her, "Stay away from me. You hear me?"

Her eyes dropped down to her feet and I saw her nod and step back, and I stomped away refusing to acknowledge the burning sensations until I got to my room and crashed on the bed.


That boy needed to be taught some serious manners. Most importantly, never let pride get in the way of getting help.

He needed help but his ego was too big to accept it. I knew he was a jerk but I didn't know he was an arrogant-nothing-but-full-of-pride-jerk! I twirled around and walked over to the couch and plopped down beside Tabby.

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