Chapter 15: Inuyasha?!

Start from the beginning

I jolted up and opened the window slightly, grabbing the bar of soap and throwing it at him.

He grunted he ran off into a patch of trees..

"Ugh! we have to go find him before he gets into trouble! he doesn't know how to behave in our time." I blab while I stood up naked in the tub with bubbles all over me.

"Seems like a plan, But maybe you should get dressed first." Kagome funnily suggested.

My eyes widened and I remembered, I quickly put my arms around my chest and sat back down.

"quick Kagome, hand me that towel," I say kindly but was in a rush.

she calmly takes the towel off the hook and hands it to me..

Short skip>

we run outside after I got dressed and put on my shoes..

The wind blew strongly, the afternoon sky was blanketed in light grey clouds.. the dim golden sunlight shone through the gaps of them.

I gape around as she stood behind me, holding her arms against her chest with concern.

"I think he went that way.." I point.

You could see the bar of soap I threw and where he was standing, the trees were just across from it.

I briefly gaze at Kagome, then start walking.

she follows..

"Inuyasha?" I call calmly and look around, sticks break under my feet.

I hear something, rustling nearby.

and catch a glimpse of his red clothes up in a tree..

"Inuyasha?" Kagome calls softly.

"What?!" he growls.

"Come down, we want to talk to you." I insist.

it takes him a while, but he jumps down.

he lands right in front of us, and grits his teeth, folding his arms, and stares at us.

he clenches his fingers and they crack, he was furious.

"Why do you look so angry?" I ask.

"Uh? Why? Because you threw whatever that thing was at me!" He shouts.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I put my hand on my chest, furrow my eyebrows and close my eyes.

"But I didn't decide to peep on me and my sister while I was bathing naked! and at her changing her clothes!" I add furiously.

"It's not my fault your scent lead me there!" he replies in frustration.

I open my eyes, "huh? What do you mean?" I say.

Back in the feudal era, Inuyasha was curious and followed our scent back to the Well.

he realized it lead down the Well, and he decided to jump in.

Somehow it brought him over into our time period..

"The Well, I followed your scent and it lead me here," he says in a calmer tone.

we were surprised..

"Oh. how do you suppose you got through?" Kagome wondered.

I thought about it for a moment, Then came up with a possible solution.

"Maybe it was the jewel, maybe we're all connected somehow. it maybe possible that others can also access the portal to our time as well."

"but to think of who, or what. is a bit scary.." I suggest.

"But first things first, If you're going to be in our time period Inuyasha. you'll have to wear a hat to hide your ears."

"The public will think something fishy about you.."

In my world, I still had pointed ears too, but they were covered by my hair however still stuck out a bit. 

I would have to wear a hat too..

"My ears are still pointed and haven't changed since I returned.."

"But if they were to ever be seen, they'll at least think I had surgery done. but you, they'll probably classify as a loon or at least some crazy cosplayer.." I say harshly but truthfully.

he clenches his fingers tight and growls.

"I don't even know why I came here.." He curses out of grumpiness.

I sigh hopelessly, "come on, let's go back to the house. we'll find you a hat.." I insist.

we snuck Inuyasha into my room, though he was hesitant and grumpy.

I ruffled around in my drawers looking for a hat for him..

I find a grey Bennie, I pull it out and stare at it a moment, then try it on.

It covered a big portion of my ears and fit perfectly around my head.

The top of the hat laid Droopy and baggy down the back.

I decided I would use it for myself..

Although it was summer I had to wear it when I went out in case the wind blows my hair and reveals my ears. even if people assume I had surgery done, I still don't want to be stared at.

Suddenly Kagome quietly opens the door, "look what I found, One of Sota's old red hats. I think it'll fit perfectly.." she says.

"Try it Inuyasha.." I say.

he takes it from her and puts it on..

"It seems to fit.." I mutter.

everyone was silent a while..

I become serious..

"I suppose you're going to stay?" I assume.

he huffs..

"I plan on going back to the feudal era early, probably midday tomorrow."

"Until then I guess I could show you around, Kagome won't be able to because she has school.." I inform.

"Uh. okay, I guess.." he says.

I look at Kagome..

she sat in a padded chair and simply gives me a "hmm.." and smiles with her eyes closed.

Inuyasha seems pretty comfortable now that he's with us again, but that won't stop him from doing the things he wants.

I have a feeling tomorrow will be exhausting, So much for this afternoon nap.

Author's note: hope it's okay guys... I had a bunch of ideas and more to come and it's difficult trying to piece them together lol.

Kagome's older sister (Sesshomaru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now