{5} God I Love You

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I think so." Newt responded then Thomas came to the other side and said, "Fry, you good?"

Two Cranks appeared as they were shrieking and coming towards them. "Holy shit." Mia said to them

"Frypan, now! Frypan!" Newt and Thomas were telling Frypan

"Hang on!" Frypan said trying to get two of the shotguns that he brought

Once he got both of them, Mia called out, "Fry!"

Frypan tosses the shotgun to Mia as he stood up, holding his shotgun.

They both clocked their guns at the same time and aimed at the two cranks. They both fired once they were close to them.

Frypan and Mia both look at the ground, making sure that they were dead.

"Nice shot." Thomas said to both of them

Mia and Frypan both said, "Thanks."

More Cranks started to appear and Frypan, along with Mia was firing at the Cranks as they all started running

"Guys, come on!" Newt called out. "Let's go!"

They were all running towards the end of the tunnel. Thomas said stopping, "Woah, Woah, Woah."

A group of Cranks was in front of them. Mia fired to the ones that were in front and Frypan was shooting behind them.

Frypan checks his load and called out, "I'm out!"

Mia checks her load and replied, "So am I!"

She tossed the shotgun to the side and got out her gun from her bag and started to fire at the ones that were coming towards them from both sides.

Once she was out, she tossed the gun to the side and called out, "Holy shit!"

"Where the hell are they?" Mia asked and Thomas asked her, "Babe, what the hell are you-"

They all turned their heads as they heard a vehicle approaching their way.

Brenda stands up from her seat, "Guys, get in!"

Brenda started firing at the Cranks from both sides. Mia got into the truck by sliding in through the opened window. Thomas followed right behind her. Newt and Frypan got into the back of the truck.

Brenda sat back down in her seat and called out, "Go, go, go!"

Jorge drives out of the tunnel and puts down his side of the window. "I'm impressed, you guys almost lasted the whole day."

"Yeah, I know right, we were so damn close." Mia commented then Frypan asked them, "You guys good?"

"Yeah." Newt and Thomas replied

Brenda turned around looking at Mia and Thomas. "It's about damn time you showed up." Mia said to her

Thomas asked Mia, "You knew that they were coming?"

"I'm the one who told them. Besides, I know how stubborn you are and how you don't want anyone else involved. But, Jorge knows this 'Last City' more than anyone. And Brenda is just so badass that you can't leave her behind." Mia said to him

Brenda pointed out, "It's always good to have a backup plan, Thomas."

She moved back to her seat and Thomas kisses Mia's cheek and said, "God I love you."

"Thank you for saving us!" Frypan called out making Brenda smile

Brenda said back, "You're welcome!"

Jorge said to them, "Don't get your hopes up. That checkpoint back there was the city's last defense. If you think there was a lot there, there's going to be more near the city."

Newt commented, looking out to the city, "Yeah, as if they figured out a way to keep the other Cranks out."

Jorge turns his head and so did the rest of the crew looking at the city. Jorge stops the truck and pulls over to the side.

They all got out the truck and stood by the edge glancing at their view of the city.

Mia stood next to Thomas as Newt commented, "It's funny

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Mia stood next to Thomas as Newt commented, "It's funny. We've spent three years trying to break out. And now, we're trying to break back in."

"Yeah, it's hilarious." Frypan said back

Thomas asked Jorge, "Jorge, how do we get in?"

"Don't look at me, hermano, those walls are new." Jorge told him

Mia added, "I guess that Wicked's answer for everything."

Brenda said to them, crossing her arms, "Well, we're not gonna figure it out from here. Let's go!"

"You heard her." Jorge said then they all started going back to the truck except for Mia and Thomas.

She was still glancing at the city and Thomas asked, "Mia?"

"What you'd say?" Mia asked now looking at him

Thomas said to her, "I asked if you're okay."

"Why are you always asking me that question, Tom?" Mia asked him

Thomas replied, "Because I need to know. And besides, I know you're lying to me."

"Oh, really?" Mia asked. "How?"

"You do this thing when you don't look at me when I ask you." Thomas pointed out

He continued, "I could see it in your eyes, Mia."

Mia chuckled and said, "I didn't realize you knew those little things about me."

"I'm your boyfriend." Thomas said making her smile. "It's my job to take care of you."

Mia sighed then looked back at the city, "You know, we've never talked about her since she betrayed us."

"What is there to talk about?" Thomas questioned. "There's nothing to talk about."

"Tom, are you really sure about this?" Mia asked and said, "As much I wanna get Minho back, this is probably going to be the hardest thing we've ever done."

"Yeah, I know." Thomas said then looked over at the city

" Thomas said then looked over at the city

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"Just to let you know, I won't hesitate." Mia said to him, making Thomas look back at her

Mia continued, "I won't hesitate to make Wicked pay for what they've done."

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