Reinforcements - Part Two

Start from the beginning

Jared raises his eyebrows, chuckling.

"Well...your plan worked. Surely Chris would straighten her out, we know how rough he is. If you can't straighten her out, he definitely will." Jared sighs.

Jensen sighs in frustration, running his fingers through his hair.

"I would hope so, her being like this is driving me up the wall. And I can't imagine what it's doing to Prince, I don't know how he can work with her being like that." Jensen says.

"Yeah, we should go check on him." Jared suggests.

Jensen nods.

The boys go off to find Prince, which is in the studio. Prince looks up from staring in a space.

"Oh, hey guys." Prince says quietly.

" Prince says quietly

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"Hey, Man. We're just checking up on you, Chris has Allison." Jensen says.

Prince nods, clearing his throat.

"I hope this works, I don't know how much longer I can put up with this. Living in the same house with a woman you're married to that won't talk to you, or if she does...immediately stops then freaks out and closes herself off. Then don't see her for the rest of the time. It's like I'm married to a stranger..." Prince admits, releasing a sigh.

Jared's expression softens.

"Don't worry, we're gonna get her back to herself. I know almost dying isn't something you get over instantly...but she'll come to terms with it soon." Jared says.

Jensen nods in agreement.

"Jared's right, plus her Father will know what to do." Jensen says.

Prince nods, closing his eyes as he speaks.

"I just...If this continues...if Chris doesn't get through to her, I'll give her the space she wants, I'm going to go stay somewhere else." Prince reveals.

Jared and Jensen exchange worried glances

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Jared and Jensen exchange worried glances.

*Back to Christopher and Allison*

"Well I think we're getting somewhere." Chris says.

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