Chapter Twenty-Two

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Waking up in a bad mood is one of the worst things because your so angry, but you can't do anything about it. I groan the whole time I'm getting ready, as of a dark cloud was over my head. I cook my breakfast with a sour look on my face. As I leave my house, I slam the door, rattling my door frame. I run down the stairs and hop on my bike, my need for speed taking control. Turning the key, the bike roars to life and I speed down the road, much faster than the speed limit. The wind hits my body, and I feel free, alive.

Increasing the speed, I whizz down the road, driving to a secluded road to where I can really go fast. I slow down before I turn on the old unused road, and I rev the engine before gunning it, the need for speed feeling flowing through me. I yip in enjoyment as I continue down the road, my bike hitting over 100 mph.

My worries and thoughts fly away in the wind, just like my hair. The wind rushing past me makes me want to go faster, so I push the bike's speed higher, going exceedingly fast, but it feels amazing. Not knowing the time I slow down to a stop, I push the kick down, and look at the time on my phone. 7:44, it reads in small numbers.

Crap. I put the kick stand back, and race back towards civilization. I'm going to be late. The bike zooms down the secluded road, the tires spinning quickly as they tread on the old pavement. A stop sign comes into view, and relief floods through me as I see buildings along with it in the distance. I slow down, my heart racing a mile a minute, but I'm a good way. I love the feeling of adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I turn onto the main road, traffic barely there as I drive down the road leading to work. The big 'Busy Bee Florists' sign comes into view and I let out a breath I'm holding. I throw the bike in park, before racing into the store. My eyes dart to the clock which reads 7:56. Just in time. Setting my helmet behind the counter, I take off the light jacket I was wearing to reveal a cute top Bri left at my house.

It was a little revealing for my taste, but my taste is old tee shirts that literally show nothing. It was a a lace up, emerald green top that matches my eyes. Bri always told me if I ever did wear it to pair it with actual jeans, not my old ones, so I did. Maggie walks in and her eyes are wide at my appearance.

"My heavens child, I never thought I'd see the day where you actually put in an effort in your choice of clothing without being forced to." I laugh at her remarks, and walk around the counter, throwing my arms over my head and spinning. She starts clapping so I do a sassy walk, posing at the end. I pop my hip out and blow her a kiss, her laugh echoing in the store.

A loud clap resonates through the store making both of us snap our heads to the sound. My heart plummets as I see Lucca, with a large smirk plastering his face as his hands are held in a clapping motion. My whole being turns hard and emotionless as he looks at me, the smirk still gracing his face.

"All of your flowers have been received and placed at your home Mr. Maxwell." His face has shock evident all over it, and Maggie elbows me in the gut, making me glare at her.

"I'm sorry Mr. Maxwell for my co-owner's blunt rudeness. Is there anything we can do for you?" Lucca's head turns to Maggie, his smirk turning into a smile.

"Oh no, I just needed to speak to Ms. Grey about some very important business," His smirk comes back to me, but the look in his eyes makes me want to melt. Affection. I turn my head away, to which Maggie rests her hand on my back before pulling my ear to her lips.

"Go honey, be happy for once," she whispers in my ear. I pull away and nod, even though every fiber in my body kept telling me to stay before I hurt myself even more.

I grab my jacket before I walk over to Lucca who has his arm stretched out for me to interlock my arm with his. I brush past him, making sure my hip bumps him to make him lose his balance. He stumbles a little, but chuckles none the less. His arm finds my waist, but instead of letting him keep it there, I pinch the bare flesh of his wrist, a tender part of the arm.

He winces and retracts his arm, leaving me satisfied and a smirk on my face. I saunter in front of him, making him jog to catch up. I continue down the sidewalk, an irritated sigh erupting from Lucca's mouth. His large hand wraps around my wrist and spins me around, his hands grabbing my shoulders. His piercing chocolate eyes look into mine as he begins to frown.

"What did I do? Why are you being so short with me?" I don't look at him because if I do, I will tell him every secret and thought I've hid from anyone.

"You did nothing. You did everything right, perfect to be quite honest. So please stop. Leave me alone, because I can not handle to be broken anymore." I snap at him, shoving his arms off me, and walking away back towards the store. I hold my breath as I walk, every step cold and calculating.

"Thea, stop!" Lucca growls at me, his hands wrapping around my waist, pulling me into his chest. His eyes pierce my souls and I can't help but melt into his grasp.

"Thea, what are you talking about?"

"I can't be around you, because I'm only hurting myself." His eyes widen and his grasp on my waist tightens.


"Go be with Belle or someone else, just not me," I interrupt, pulling away from him once again.

"Belle is nothing to me. Her parents wanted her to marry me, but I would not enter a loveless marriage just to connect our businesses." Hope blooms in my chest, they are nothing? I want to smile, but just remembering my past, my heart falls.

"No Lucca, I am not a person who deserves to or find that special someone. I'm a monster." He opens his mouth as is he wants to say something, but I hold up my hand to stop him. "You do not know me, so don't act like you do."

He lowers his head to mine, his eyes staring right into me, and he says something that shocks me to the bone.

"Then let me know you," He whispers before capturing my lips with his.

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