Chapter Nine

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I turn my head the other way as if I don't see him. I sip my coffee as I hear the bell chime, please don't be him. Of course, to my dismay, it is him. Hearing his deep voice ordering a coffee, I sigh, and pretend to be texting someone important on my phone. I hear his loud footsteps in the quiet café stomp over to my table. Nuts. Ignoring him, I focus on my phone, changing facial emotions to make it seem real. The scraping of the chair being pulled from the table makes me groan in my head. I don't say anything as I pretend to be on my phone, actually texting someone in case he sees my phone and doesn't believe my bluff.

"Thea," his deep voices rumbles and mentally I swoon. I ignore my thoughts about swooning at this man, because I don't get feelings. That's not the person I am. Looking up, he has an annoyed facial expression on his face.

"Yes, Mr. Maxwell?" I reply with a slight sass in my voice. He doesn't seem to read it as he continues.

"Why was there another woman dropping off my flowers? I specifically said I wanted you."

"Well I'm sorry, I was not available." I snap back, my fiery personality seeping through into my words.

"Make yourself available then." Did I just hear him right. I let out a loud laugh. Does he think I'm a pawn he can play around to get what he wants? Confusion is written all over his face which makes me laugh harder. He doesn't realize when he's being a jerk.

"I'm sorry I'll do whatever you please, your highness," I spit. His face looks pleased until I say, your highness.

"I was busy visiting someone very important to me, who is in a coma in the hospital, so excuse me if I took the day off. Ms. Margret delivered them so they would not start to bloom in the store, and so you would get our store's best service, Mr. Maxwell." I grab my coffee cup, and set it on the tray they have for used coffee cups before heading out.

"Wait! Thea! I'm sorry, let me make it up to you!" He yells after me, but I continue on walking out of there.

"What about dinner? My treat for my behavior!" I stop. Free food. Well I can't pass that up, especially since he's richer and can probably afford places I couldn't even look at. I'm not using his money, I mean he offered.

"Friday, I'll meet you at your house at 6:30 sharp." I say before I turn out of the coffee shop. I mentally cheer, free food. Although he is gorgeous, I don't want to spend any more time with him than I have to, but I will never pass up a free meal.

I hop on my bike, throw on my helmet, and before leaving, I see Lucca with a small smile on his face, drinking his coffee. I speed down the road, and don't realize where I'm going. I keep driving straight, and finally I'm in town again, to which I relax, and keep driving. I see something catch my eye. Not looking at it, I focus on driving. A white figure runs out into the road, fear and memories flooding my mind.

I skid to try to stop, turning the bike so I don't hit what walks out in the middle of the road. The bike almost stops and starts to slide. I see an old lady, with fear on her face before my body goes flying from my bike. Hitting the hard pavement I don't move. I can see flurries of people surrounding me, noise buzzing in my ears before it all turns black.


Bri's P.O.V.

Damon laughs at me as I twirl around in front of him wearing one of the ugliest dresses I've ever seen. He clutches his stomach and I stare in awe. My handsome man. His laughter makes me laugh along with him. I head back to the changing room to get back to my own clothes. I put the clothes on the hangers, and open the door. Damon smiles when he sees me, kissing me lightly on the cheek as I set the clothes back on the rack.

We head out of the store, still laughing, and enjoying our day to ourselves. He wraps his arm around my waist as we continue walking to random stores. An old lady passes us and smiles at us, which we both return. We hear a 'My heavens!' and turn to see what is happening. The older lady trips over her own feet and falls to the ground, her purse flying some where. We help her up, Damon under one of her arms, myself under the other.

"Are you okay?" Damon and I ask simultaneously. She nods and looks around frantically. She relaxes when her eyes set in on something, her purse. She runs to grab it, not looking to see if anyone is coming before she runs into the street. She bends down to pick it up when a loud screeching noise fills my ears. I look to see a motorcyclist skidding to a stop to not hurt the lady. To my horror, the bike stops, but they keep moving, flying upwards over the lady.

The hit the pavement when a loud thud, and Damon and I check to see if cars are coming before we run to the street. The old lady is now crying, while Damon and I try asking the person if they are okay. Damon pulls off their helmet and I think we both have a heart attack. Thea.


I don't hear anything except the ringing in my ears. Nurses try to ask me questions but I stare into oblivion. Why her? What did she do to deserve this? Tears leak out of the corner of my eye, and I look at the nurse who has a sad face on, tears leaking from her eyes as well.

"It's okay sweetie. I know her, she's a strong one."

"How do you know Thea?"

"She is always here visiting my patient." I nod, she must be Sam's nurse. I try to answer her questions but I can't focus or think knowing Thea might be dying.

"Ma'am, you can see your friend now. She is unconscious right now, but she seems to be healing extremely fast and well." I nod and push past everyone to go into her room. The white walls, the sound of the heart monitor, and the stench of cleaning supplies makes me uncomfortable.

I see her. Tubes shoved in her arms and  her nose. A sob wracks through my body as I look at her pale face, her red hair limp and wavy strewn across the pillow. But her arms and legs make the tears fall faster. The are all cut up and bruised, and it looks as if someone took a cheese grater and a hammer to her pale arms.

I hear footsteps and a gasp soon after. Damon comes up behind me, a cry escaping his mouth. I wrap my arms around him and he holds me, tears falling into my hair. We watch our best friend move, almost lifeless, and I can't help but feel part of me breaking just at the sight of her. What if she broke her neck? Became paralyzed? I sit down as my brain thinks of the many possibilities, and my heart breaks more with every single thought.

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