Chapter Thirty-Two

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My eyes harden at his jealousy. I push him off of me as I glare into his eyes.

"For your information, Sam is my half brother." His eyes widen and he looks down. I feel guilty for snapping, I would have acted the same way if the situation was switched. I grab his face and pull him in for a soft kiss.

"You didn't know, I'm sorry for snapping." He smiles and hugs me tightly, and he sits on my bed.

"Explain." I roll my eyes at him but obey.

"Well, I was four when it first happened, my father hitting my mother. After that he would do it all the time. She would make us leave and go to friends homes so we would get hit or see her get hit. Then he hurt her even more. He cheated, he made her feel so low. But that's not even the worst."

"He impregnated the woman he was sleeping with. She ran away, and had the baby in Louisiana and then she stayed there, and is still staying there to this day. I was in Louisiana, with the Jurors when I met the woman my father slept with and Sam, her son." He gives me a confused look and I sigh.

"I learned to fight from a group called the Jurors. They were a group who fought for justice in the streets. We worked in high crime areas and bad neighborhoods that the police didn't bother to fix. That's where I had my first kill. A man was raping a woman behind a dumpster so I attacked him. But he then decided to try to rape me. So many flashbacks came to me and I threw him off me, and his head hit the dumpster. I didn't mean to kill him, but he had raped thirty women that year, so I felt no remorse." I look down, before continuing.

"Anyway, they took me to the hospital to get stitched up. I met Amira there, Sam's mother. He had gotten sick, so she asked me to take care of Sam for a couple weeks while he got treatment. She couldn't be with him to get his treatment and work two jobs to help pay Sam treatment. I soon grew quite fond of him, his innocent young self was like a light to me. She moved back to my home town a couple years later when I did." My heart breaks at the next words I say.

"I was driving one night, and so was Sam. I was only home for a couple days when Carter's wife was having cravings. I went to pick her up some pickles, and a car coming towards me had their high beams on." Tears threaten to arise in my eyes but I refrain from letting them.

"A light was coming up so I slowed down, and so did the other car. They turned off their high beams so I figured we were in the clear. When our lights turned green we went, but a drunk driver came through. I saw them so I stopped, and they hit Sam straight on."

"I helped him out, and when I realized it was Sam, I thought my world broke. If I wouldn't have stopped, he would still be a seventeen year old boy living his life, and I would be the one who could have taken the blow. I would have healed, my body stronger and used to hard blows while his wasn't."

I look down ashamed I couldn't save Sam, but the thought of him finally living his life bloomed hope in me. I lay back down on my bed and push Lucca off of it with my feet. He glares at me, but moves towards the door anyway.

"Wait, come here, mon chéri." I whisper, making his body stopping and turning back to me. His body looms over mine and I sit up. My hands slide up to his cheeks, and trace his jaw before pulling him down to me. When our lips meet in a soft kiss, butterflies fill my stomach, their wings fluttering against the walls of it.

His lips are soft, and he holds my face as if he's holding a new born puppy; with a delicate holds as if I would break like old china glasses. Sparks erupt where his hands touch on my face and it's gives me a warm at home feeling. We pull away, resting our foreheads together, smiles gracing both of our faces.

"Goodnight mon chéri."

"Goodnight ma belle chéri."


I groan as I hear his words. Throwing my body on the plush couch I sigh and rub my forehead.

"Do I have to go?"

"Yes mon chéri, It's mandatory." Ugh.

Lucca's family got invited to the governor's ball tonight, the one where Isabella will be playing. They keep saying I have to go, but that is the last thing I want to do. I want to lay in their expensive and extremely comfortable bed reading a book or even working out, anything other than a party. I don't even own a dress! I smirk at my though and turn to Lucca.

"I do not own a dress Lucca." My smirk falls when one graces his features. Uh-oh.

"That is why," he glances at his watch quickly. "In twenty minutes you'll be dress shopping with my mother."


"What?" He says shocked by my cold tone.

"A, I will not be taking your money. B, I did not bring enough money to purchase a dress for myself. C, I will never wear this dress again, so no I will not be shopping. I will stay home tonight." Lucca rolls his eyes at me before grabbing my body and throwing me over his shoulder. Oh no he didn't.

"If you don't put me down now, you'll be knocked out on the floor in less than a second." He laughs at me, the vibrations from his laugh vibrating my body. I can't say I didn't warn him. I pinch the nerve in the back of his neck and he drops like a fly, my body sprawling on top of his. His body hits with a loud thud, and Rachel comes running in looking at us frantically. I dust of my hands and stand up from his limp body on the floor.

"What happened here?" She asks with a knowing smirk.

"Well he tried to take me throw me over his shoulder like a barbarian and take me shopping, so I knocked him out. He'll wake up in thirty or so minutes." She lets out a chuckle before grabbing my hand and dragging me to the door.

"I will take you shopping, even if Lucca failed to do so, I will do it."

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