Chapter Sixteen

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My bones crack as I stand up and stretch, pulling my arms above my head while my fingers interlace. I bend over, my back cracking, and as I walk, my hips do also. It's not a painful crack, but I feel relaxed as they crack. I throw my curly hair into a half-up half-down bun hairstyle.

I have some motivation, so I wear jeans instead of leggings or sweats and a cute pastel yellow floral top, along with my black doc martens. I look at myself with a satisfied glance, and head out into the kitchen. The door to the guest room is open, and I see Bri laying on the bed, passed out, while Damon's on the couch.

I start making breakfast for all of us, and stay quiet not to wake them because I do not have the patience to deal with any crap. After I finish I box up their food and set it in the fridge, before taking mine to go. The coffee machine's beep sounds, signaling my coffee has finished and I take the to go cup, and leave with out a sound.

I set my food in a back compartment in my bike, before speeding down the road, going faster than the speed limit. I reach the flower shop in record time. Maggie is in the shop spritzing flowers with a spray bottle, fluffing them up like they are her babies. A small smile creeps on my face at the sight, and as soon as it comes, it leaves. I grab my breakfast out of the compartment and head around back to the truck to take the flowers to Lucca.

Maggie packed them this morning, and texted me about it so I could just grab them and go and be back at the shop soon. I pull the truck out from behind the building, from the dark alleyway we leave it in. Traffic zooms past me, but I pay no mind to it, as I continue down the road. The rich neighborhood comes in view, the large homes, fancy cars, and model like people enjoying themselves on this warm day.

I avert my eyes back to the road, turning up the radio to tune out my thoughts. The busy road turns into Lucca's lonely and quiet driveway to which I continue up, my whole mood becoming melancholy. I turn the radio down, the loud blaring now hurting my ears. A large mass starts down the driveway, which I soon identify as Bear.

His loud barks sound as he bares his teeth, not realizing it's me. I park the truck and his large body comes barreling towards my door, but as soon as I open it, his loud barks turn to happy yips as he sees me. His large body comes towards me, and I grab the sides of his face and start scratching to which he sits down and whines in enjoyment.

I pat his head before turning to the back and grabbing one of the last four dozen flowers that had arrived. I grab the bucket and scissors before I head towards the door. I knock swiftly twice, before Phoebe opens the door for me. She says a quick hello, to which I return with a nod and get to work. On the table I have previously cut the flowers, I cut of 1/4 inch off the stem at an angle, and leave them in a small vase of water with formula in it.

I leave the vases there so Lucca or Phoebe can come place them wherever they desire. Making my hand in a scooping shape, I push the cut off ends into the bucket, tossing the scissors in on top. I grab the bucket and start to leave when loud footsteps make me pick up my pace. The sound of a door opening makes my heart speed up, but I ignore it and grab the handle on the door.

"Thea, wait!" Lucca's deep voice calls out, and as much I want to leave, my feet don't move, as if he put me in a trans. I start to turn the door knob, when from the other side it is being turned too, and a beautiful woman opens the door, her eyes wide when she sees me. Hurt resonates through my body, as I look at the gorgeous woman.

Her hair is blonde, and pin straight, flowing nicely around her sharp, heart shaped face. She has striking blue eyes, and plump lips, making her look as if she was sculpted from granite. Lucca's hand lands on my shoulder, trying to get me to stay, but I shrug it off.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I'll get out of your way." I say to the beautiful woman in a calculated voice, no emotion coming out. I pass by her, and she walks up the stairs and grabs Lucca's shoulders and kisses him on the cheek. I turn back around towards the truck. I see Bear chained up in the yard, but he's growling at the beautiful woman who has Lucca's attention. I mentally laugh at the sight before I walk over towards Bear.

"Oh no! I wouldn't do that if I were you!" The woman yells, but her words die on her lips as Bear races towards me and jumps on my body, and starts licking my face. Her voice has a british accent, making her so much more appealing to any man, no doubt. I sit up, and keep petting Bear before I move him off my body and head towards the truck.

"Thea!" I don't stop, I just continue like I don't hear anything. Loud footsteps near me, and it sounds like he is running, but I don't stop or turn. His large hands lock on my shoulders and turn me quickly. My face is cold and hard, no emotion evident.

"Are you okay, what's wrong Thea?" I look him right in his beautiful chocolate eyes, and answer, my voice unwavering.

"I am fine Mr. Maxwell. Thank you for your concern though," I don't wait for a response, I just turn on my heels, leaving Lucca standing there, stunned, as if he had just gotten shocked by a taser.

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