Chapter 3

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Keith shook his head lightly. "I can't do this with you... what did you say your name was, baby?"

My cheeks burned, and I made up the first name that came to my mind. "Jana. And why not? I'm an adult. I consent. Come on."

I didn't realize just how badly I needed him until he'd told me no, but now all doubts had vanished from my mind. I didn't care if I was "really" a guy or whatever. Keith was fucking hot, he was going to fuck me in this tent before I was done, and it was going to be amazing.

"I just can't take advantage of a drugged girl like that," he protested. "It wouldn't be right."

"You're not taking advantage of anyone, Keith." I began to move my fingers, stroking his dick through his jeans, and he groaned and tightened his grip on my arms. "I want this. I want to give you something special for taking care of me... for making me feel safe."

"Jana, darlin'... I really shouldn't," Keith began, but I could see how badly he wanted to. His cock was responding to my attention, surging up and pushing the rough fabric of his workman's jeans against my delicate hand. His breathing had grown ragged and heavy, and I could sense how much of an internal struggle he was having. I was already beyond impressed with his restraint. Here he was with a mostly naked chick in his arms, high on molly, begging him for sex, and he was still protesting? What kind of superhuman morality man was this dude? If our positions had been reversed, I would have had my dick out of my pants and in this pussy faster than you could blink. I squirmed again and moaned at the thought of his dick sliding into my dripping wet folds, stroked his cock harder, and begged him to give in with the most smoldering, needy stare I could muster.

"Oh fuck it," he whispered, and pulled me roughly into a wet, tongue-filled kiss that tasted every bit as good as he smelled. I returned the kiss eagerly, sliding my hands around to cling to his muscular back, and melted into him while his callused, manly fingers explored every nook and cranny of my smooth, shapely torso like a reverent sculptor gliding over the finished surface of a master's work.

I caressed his muscles and moved up to his head as we kissed passionately, again and again. His hair slid smoothly through my fingertips, depositing a thin veneer of dust and sweat on my skin, and the stubble on his cheeks was rough and bristly. I giggled at the way it tickled my fingertips. Usually I hated stubble and would have been disgusted at the idea of kissing someone with so much of it, but now it just drove me wild. I wanted to rub my cheeks against his and feel the prickles of his face drag over my so-sensitive skin, sending little shudders through me and causing goose pimples to spring out all over me. I shivered happily as my tongue darted in and out of his mouth to taste his sweet mouth again.

His smell was driving me wild, and my nipples hardened beneath the tight, silver cotton that stretched across each tender breast. I began to pant, matching Keith's same, heavy ragged breaths with my own softer, delicate ones. Our breath mingled in the air between our wet, frantic kisses, and I could taste him even when his tongue wasn't exploring my mouth. Another surge of need moistened womanly folds. I felt so wet that I was shocked I hadn't soaked through onto the pillow. Then I blushed again as a quick glance down informed me that I had done exactly that.

Keith's fingers caught the loop that tied the swimsuit onto my back and he pulled with a dexterous tug. I gasped as my top fell away from my body, releasing my breasts from their tied-down confinement. The cool air inside the tent caused my nipples to spring out even further, hardening into diamond-edged points, and I rolled my head back and moaned with desire as Keith's hands slid into position on my chest and began to gently massage each massive tit. That felt amazing on its own, but it really drove me wild when he began to flick my nipples with his thumbs. I rolled my hips on the pillow, dying for him to move his attentions lower, and whined with need.

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