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After Dawn told them that they would be training tomorrow, Ashlie fainted. It was just hours later that she woke up and then she noticed her surroundings had changed.

In a room filled with beds, small tables on the side and some chairs was the room now she is in.

'What... happened?' The warrior asked to herself.

And then there was a knock on the door.

She looked up and turned to the direction of the door to see Nick standing there, holding a tray of the dinner they ate.

"Hey... You feeling alright now?" The farm boy asked as he walked in and went to where the young girl was.

"Yeah and thanks for the food." She replied, taking the plate and starting to eat. "What happened? All I remember was the robot guy... telling us we will train... tomorrow."

"Well... after you passed out, which made Jon carried you to here," Ashlie went red and coughed a few times but Nick didn't noticed. "Dawn told us where we are, which is apparently a couple of feet below the shack, and gave us a tour. We also met the people who pushed/dropped us here and they apologized for everything, saying it was apart of their job." The older man told the young girl while she ate.

"Why the hell was that apart of their job?" The girl asked to him but the answer she got was a shrug.

"Cory asked the same question and they just looked at one of their co-workers... I think her name was Gaby or something..." Nick shrugged again. "Also was that girl who led us here? Apparently they were one of the co-workers datefrien—"

Suddenly, the door slam opened and Tommy went in, his emoji mask covering his face.

"Hey Tommy, are you o—"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The hunter exclaimed, interrupting the warrior. He quickly turned away and walked to a bed just a couple of beds away from where they were and lay there.

Nick and Ashlie just looked at each other and shrugged.


The next day... came in faster than Cory would have expected.

But he didn't expect this kind of wake up call.

Fizzy, with a megaphone on their hand, kicked the door and screamed into it, "HOLY FUCK SIX SHREDDERS! ITS TIME TO WAKE UP!"

That made half of the team fall down from their beds while others accidentally used their powers.

Which is why Jon's bed are now made of cookies, Ashlie's bed is on fire and Uni turned into a pug.

"Your clothes are already prepared in the bathroom! You all have one hour to clean up! We will all expect you in the training hall very soon! Bye!"

With that said, Fizzy smiled at them and closed the door, leaving Cory in a room filled with not-morning people and still-sleepy sloths.

He always knew there was a god controlling the lands because they just love to see him suffer from everything.


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