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A month had passed since Uni joined Cory, they found themselves lost in a forest.

"We are lost." Uni said.

"I know Uni." Cory replied.

"We. Are. Bloody. Fucking. Lost. In a forest we aren't familiar with. For 2 weeks now."

"We already established that."

"And you forget to buy a bloody map!!!" Uni shouted at Cory. In the distance, you could see birds suddenly flying away.

"HEY!" Cory said, throwing his hands up. "I already said I'm sorry!"

"Sorry ain't going to cut it Cory!" Uni said, his tone filled with sass. "What are we going to do now?!"

Suddenly, both of them heard a cough.

Cory quickly made sure his hood is hiding his face before grabbing his bow and turning around to shoot.

Uni took out his hidden knife and was ready to stab someone or anything.

In front of them was a skinny yet tall 23 years old blonde man. He was wearing a shirt, pants, a sash over his shirt and a bandana covering his right eye. "Uh..." the man said.

Cory noticed the knife on Uni's hand as he lowered his bow. "Huh? When did you have a knife Uni? Wait! Don't tell me you were planing to hurt me!"

"Well I'm sorry but you're still a stranger to me! For all I know, you're just lying to me and you'll attack me when I'm sleeping! Of course I had to bring a knife just in case!" Uni said to him as he put back the knife from it's secret compartment.

"... that actually makes sense."

"You two are loud." The man said, surprising the both of them again, they nearly forgot about that guy!

"I like you guys." He said with a grin. "But you guys are being too loud and you're scaring the animals."

"Scaring the animals?" Cory questioned. "Are you some kind of hunter?"

The man nodded. "Yup! Names Tommy Fro! Call me Tommy!"

Cory and Uni gave each other a look.

'Is this guy the hunter who has the lion's roar?' Both of them thought.

"Well nice to meet you Tommy, I'm Cory."

"And I'm Uni. Question, is there a town nearly by?"


After a while, Tommy and the Shred Heroes were able to find the town before the sun sets.

"I'll book us a room in the inn," Uni told Cory. "You, go buy us a map since I don't wanna be lost again!"

"Alright Alright jeezs."

With that, Cory left Tommy and Uni alone to find a map.

"So... Why is Carl hiding his face? Got some kind of scar on him?" Tommy asked Uni as they walked to the inn.

"Carl?" Uni asked. "OH! You meant Cory, well he does have one."

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