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A couple weeks later, the boys were back to running around the flat like chickens with there heads cut off, the girls and I were back to running, swim, gymnastics, dance, and all the other crazy things we do. We had concerts, we had interveiws, my lie about me and Zayn turned into the truth, Harry and Amy hooked up, Louis met a Amazing girl named Eleanor, Liam is still with Danielle, and Niall is with McKinley. All of us as happy as we ever could be, along with our new addition to the family, Scoops, Louis was begging and begging to get a pet, so we got him a little hamster, why did he name it Scoops? Its Louis, and I think he might be feeding the poor thing ice cream.

I wont be surprised when Louis askes for a new pet anytime soon. All I know is that Bethany is in everyones hearts, even when she isn't with them, that little girl lite up everyones world if she saw it or not. I will never ever forget that kid, or this summer, or this life.

Lets face it... My life is anything BUT normal.

Message me if you think i should cut it there, and start a new story  or,  keep it going, and not start a new story

                                                     **********END OF THE BOOK:)**********

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