Chapter 3: New workplace

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When I hear her words I finally look up. "Photography department?"

"That's right. I think you need to get away from writing books for some time. New environment will do you good and maybe trigger some new ideas, give you a new boost."

"But I don't know anyone there. Even more so, I don't know a thing about that line of work. What am I supposed to do there? I don't even know anything!" I answer back in despair.

"That's not a problem. You'll be helping someone who has a lot of work right now and really needs some help. There won't be anything, you won't be able to do."

"But-" I try to argue back again, but she interrupts me. 

"You won't change my mind. You need a breath and I think this place is best for you. Try to learn new things there. Don't let your work go to waste."

I watch her, still not believing this is real. When I finally see, she won't give in, I drop my shoulders, defeated. 

"You know I don't work best in a group of people. I'll only be in the way," I say, sad.

Maria gently smiles. "Don't worry. You'll be working with just one other person. And you won't be in the way. As long as you don't fall through the door like you did before."

My cheeks turn a pink color and I reply. "I won't! Never again!"

"Okay than." She slides a small paper towards me. There's a floor and room number written on it. "Here's the directions. You can go right now. Take the most important things with you, everything else you'll get there."

I take the paper and put it in my pocket.

"Mia," starts Maria but then stops for a second. "Not you or me wish to get that far but... if you don't finish your book soon... you'll have to say goodbye. I know you have a big talent, but right now I don't see it anywhere in you. If it doesn't come back soon..."

I knew exactly what she was trying to say. I'll be fired. In the back of my mind, I was getting ready for this but I didn't want to think about it. This is my dream job and if I lose it... then I really don't know where to hide from all those dark things.

"You'll make it. I know you will," she states and stands up. "I'll call the chief of the department and tell him you're coming."

I thank her, although not with much enthusiasm and leave the office. I don't see Brad anywhere so I walk to the elevator alone. Taking the small paper out of my pocket I see the second floor written on it. I've never been there before. Heck, I've never been to any other department before. This is gonna be a disaster. I don't do well in front of strangers. It's even worse than in front of my boss. 

I reluctantly press the second floor in the elevator and watch the doors close in front of me. Goodbye, my perfect hideout. 

What am I supposed to say, when I enter? What kind of people are the workers? Will I be able to relax? Will they want me to join their conversations? Will the dark thoughts chase me all the way here? Is the man I'm going to be working for, a good person?

The only answer I get to all of my questions is the sounds of the elevator doors opening. I take a deep breath and step out into the hallway. I immediately hear loud laughter and chatter right from the first room on my left.

I feel dread already filing up my body. I already don't like it. It was always nice and quiet in my department, so you could easily relax. Here I only hear the racket. I look at the paper again and look for the office with number 8 on it. My favorite number. I hope it brings me luck. I find the right door and knock on it. I wait but all I'm greeted with is silence. After another knock I open the door, stepping into a brightly lit room. All around me I see an enormous amount of pictures from all around. Some are taken in nature, others are showing the city and people, then some of the culture and many others. I step deeper into the office between all kinds of books and drawings. 

They are beautiful...

From the corners of my eyes, a picture hidden behind a book draws my attention. It looks like a picture of a park...

"You're here," a voice calls out behind me and I jump away surprised, almost knocking down a pile of books that was lying on the floor. 

An older man, more on the chubby side smiles a little for a second. 

"Maria told me you were coming. Hello, I'm the chief of the photography department, Stanley Keys."

I shake his extended hand and introduce myself. 

"So I see you already found your new office. Your superior is sadly not here. He had to attend an important meeting but he should be back soon."

So he's not here yet? Maybe that's for the best. That way I'll have a bit more time to prepare.

"He'll explain everything to you. What to do and help him with etc. He's really kind and a good companion, so there shouldn't be any problems. He currently needs help with one of his projects, so he was really happy to hear help is coming." 

"I'll try my best."

"Good. If you have any questions, you can come to my office," he finishes and leaves.

I look around the office again. This is the place I'll now spend most of my time. I better put my things away and settle in first.

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