One-step Closer.

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Sandra's POV.......

I stood at the school parking lot waiting for my driver to come and pick me wondering how Ruth found me at the girls restroom .. I wasn't too happy she saw me in the state she saw me in but what can I say that actually got her to finally talk to me after all my attempts to get her talk to me......

Hey Sandy how was school today my driver asked """ I told him school was fine well I guess he saw how happy I was at that moment compared to the way I was in the morning when I had one of my famous mood swing for no reason and then he finally pooped the question "" why are you so happy?? I mean its quite unlike the way you were in the morning, I just smiled at him and said nothing after some time he finally said ... You look very happy and I'm glad about it at least you won't snob me throughout the drive home like you did in the morning when I drooped you off at school earlier this morning .. I chuckled lightly and told him nothing just that someone made my day wonderful and I'm so happy about it .. He just nodded and said that's good I hope you'll always be this happy, I smiled and said I hope so too..

The drive home wasn't too long I got home and found my mum was already back from work I checked the kitchen where I know I'll certainly find her and there she was mixing something in a bowl I asked her what she was mixing and she said it was marble cake and she was trying out a new recipe ""I can't wait to taste this new cake recipe of yours I said grinning from ear to ear .. Mhmhmhm I also can't wait to start baking it and besides you look so happy what's the secret .. I could see how her eyes were beaming with curiosity ... Mum stop acting like a high school teenager always eager to know things. She started laughing and said wow really.. I never knew I still had the youthful part of me alive I thought I had buried it when I got married but anyways that's not the issue at hand so spill what has got you looking like a kid that was given her favourite dessert"" mum said smiling ... And I need all the details I promise not to tell your dad if it's About you know ........

Mum!!!!!!!!! I exclaimed would you stop having such thoughts its nothing even close to that ... I knew my cheeks were probably red already from blushing too hard but who cares its my mum we're talking about here she can make you embarrass yourself down to earth and will see it as nothing... I guess that's her own way of having fun with us when she's curious and trying to get information .. Who embarrasses someone just for the sake of fun... MY MUM...... After laughing her heart out noticing how embarrassed I was at her statement she finally calm down and said ok.... Sorry let's forget I said anything like that but you can always come to me when you need advice on that.. So tell me why are you so happy ..

I related the whole incident at school to her and she was very happy for me she said I shouldn't rush her I should just take everything at a slow pace let her take her time to be sure if she's really ready to be friends with me .. I assured my mum I would do as she said and I was relieved to share the experience with mum because she always understands.. Just when we were done talking the oven timer alert my mum that she was actually baking I ran upstairs to change from my school clothes and wear something more casual since I was at home.. I almost tripped when I was rushing to get changed well the perks of having a caterer as your mother always making you want to eat her delicious goodies every minute of the day I laughed at my own eagerness to eat mums new cake before anyone else ...

After taking a refreshing bath I went back downstairs and was even glad I was right in time to eat the cake I started munching the ones mum left to cool down without her permission .. Who can possibly resist such delicious goodness the aromas only would make you want to eat the whole thing .... After eating four pieces mum caught me and asked me to stop devouring her snack like a hungry lion because her cake is not my prey I laughed at her outburst and allowed her to actually give me the snack herself ...
While sitting still waiting for mum to finally deliver me from the longing to finish the whole cake I thought about the incident earlier ..

Well whatever brought Ruth to the restroom I don't know but I think it has finally brought me one_step to becoming a normal person again and change me from my antisocial status ... I knew it won't be easy to actually get Ruth to be my friend with all the rumours at school about me but I knew been friends with her is not only for my benefit. After Mrs Stanley told me about the girls challenge and that I was assigned to help her improve her grades in school I was scared I felt so inadequate because I knew she won't accept the idea of me tutoring her so I decided to use a different approach to get close to her and that was to become her friend first because with that she'll be able to trust me and let me know the subjects that were difficult for her .. I also thought through her I'll finally be able to let go my past and move on though it may be hard but its possible ...

I smiled at the turn of events and even got a new strength to try and put more effort in getting more of her attention ...

I was jolted from my reverie when mum finally announced that the cake was ready to eat I squealed like a toddler and made my way to the dining to eat lunch alongside mums new recipe ... Reciting the words one_step closer ,, one_step at a time ... Who knew my day would turn out so miraculous...


Hello everyone I hope you'll enjoy thus chapter hope to receive your comments and votes it always motivate me to write more and update..... Who knew Sandy's mum was going to be such a sweet teasing mummm....... Me!!!!!!!! Hahahaha...... See y'all nxt update ..... Hugs ... #wink wink#... Enjoy yourself when you are young !!!!!!

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