Ch 26--Taking Turns

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Connor started up the car and sent a quick text to Ferb letting him know he was on his way. He drove over to the park as slowly as possible, but once he was there, there was no delaying the inevitable. He got out of the car, keeping all of his things inside, including his phone which he threw on the driver's seat.

"Ah, Connie." Ferb drawled once Connor shuffled over. A quick glance around the park told Connor that Ferb had his goons planted all over the place. There would be no escaping.

Connor stood in front of Ferb, looking up at him. His face was turning purple from where Connor punched him. He was mad. Connor could see it in his eyes.

"Glad you could finally make it. You see," Ferb began walking around him, trying to intimidate him. It was working. "We need to talk about yesterday. What you did was not cool." Ferb shoved him and he stumbled forward. Connor turned around so he was facing the threat in front of him. "I know you brought Hansen to your house last night so I couldn't get to him." Ferb said accusingly. He didn't say anything else for a moment, so Connor figured it was his turn to say something.

"Uhm, no. Jared, he brought him over. Evan was supposed to stay at the Kleinman's house since his mom was working," Connor said, making up a convincing lie on the spot. "But then Jared's family, they had an emergency. So, uh, Jared brought him to me."

Ferb chuckled and shook his head.

"Connie, Connie, Connie." Connor flinched, he hated that nickname. "Are you lying to me?" Ferb got right up in his face.


Ferb narrowed his eyes.

"Because I heard from that little weasel Jared that you forced him to kidnap Evan and bring him to your house."

Connor really wanted to call Ferb's bluff, but he wasn't sure what the right option was. If Ferb had talked to Jared, would Jared have told? He's done it before. But maybe he was just guessing and hoping Connor would admit to it. But if Ferb did know the truth, that would not be good news for him. His body was already sore, he wasn't sure if he could take another rage-filled beatdown. But wasn't that probably going to happen anyway?

Connor stayed silent, and Ferb pulled back. He made some motion to one of his goons and two of them pulled a figure from the shadows. Once they got closer, Connor realized it was Jared, bound and gagged. He was struggling to get away, looking at Connor with wide eyes.

Connor was surprised. This had gone too far now. It was one thing for Ferb to beat down on him, but to kidnap Jared and drag him into it? That was crossing a line.

"What is this, Ferb? I thought this was just between us?"

"Little Jared here had some good information for us. He was just dying to tell me." Ferb rolled his eyes. "I know all about your little plan."

Connor looked over as Jared's struggle grew more intense. The two boys holding him lost their grip and Jared was able to wrench himself from their grasps. He pulled the gag from his mouth and groaned.

"Connor, he's lying. I didn't tell them anything!" Ferb, who's back had been to Jared, whirled around and glared at his henchmen.

"What the hell, Marcus? How did he get out?"

Marcus made a grab for Jared, and while everyone was distracted with him, Connor pulled his arm back and yelled, "Ferb!" As he turned around, his face met Connors fist.

"This needs to end, man!" Connor shouted as Ferb dropped to the ground, cradling his face. Jared rushed to Connor, who quickly undid the ropes that bound his hands. Now he had someone to help him fight. Ferb's thugs finally realized what was happening, and once Ferb was able to talk, he roared, "GET THEM!" It was about ten on two, terribly unfair odds, but Connor raised his fists, and prepared to defend himself until he died or won.

Two of the guys launched themselves at Connor, grabbing his arms and holding them apart, giving Ferb perfect aim at his chest. He groaned as Ferbs' fist connected with his already sore ribs. He probably wasn't going to be able to walk the next few days.

He tried his hardest to get out of the other boy's grips, but they were holding onto him like their lives depended on it. Who knew, maybe it did? He had no idea what Ferb was capable of.

A quick glance over at Jared showed Connor that he was in no better shape than he was. Both of them were losing, they couldn't keep this up much longer.

"F-Ferb, stop. Don't...hurt Jared anymore. He had...nothing to do with this." Connor said in between punches. Ferb held up his hands and the guys stopped beating on Jared.


"Shut up, weasel." Ferb barked. Jared winced. Ferb punched Connor in the face and he saw stars. He felt something dripping down his chin and a metallic taste filled his mouth. "You want me to stop hurting Jared?" Connor nodded slowly, knowing what was happening. "Then you're going to take his beatings, right?" Ferb put his face close to Connors, and narrowed his eyes. "Right?"

"Y-yeah." Connor agreed. He'd much rather something happen to him than to anyone else. It was Connor's fault Jared was here anyway, if he could stop him from being in pain by taking it on himself, that was the price he'd pay.

"Connor, no! Don't do that, he'll kill you."

"Shut him up." Ferb ordered. Jared struggled to get out of the hold, but the gag was slid on his face anyway. Jared was ushered away somewhere outside of Connor's field of vision.

"You will regret this." Ferb said as he wound up to punch him again. He stopped an inch from Connor's face. Connor had his eyes closed in anticipation and opened one eye when he felt no pain.

"Tie him up, that way everyone can join in and we don't have to worry about him escaping."

Connor had planned to wait for the moment they let go of him to turn on his assailants, but they were smart. They pushed him against the tree and two guys held him while another guy grabbed the rope and wound it around, securing him in place. There were too many of them.

The blows rained down for some time, but Connor lost track of how long. He kept going in and out of consciousness, after one hard blow to the side of his head.

He thought he was imagining it when he heard his mother's voice yelling for someone to stop. He opened his eyes and saw Evan. Wait, why was she telling Evan to stop?

"Evan Hansen!" Ferb turned around to greet him. "How nice of you to join your boyfriend, he's getting tired. It must be your turn."

Connor got one look at Evan before he saw him run away, then he blacked out.


So sorry I'm a few minutes late with this weeks chapter, and sorry to leave you with this cliffhanger here, but I didn't have much time to write this week. My family is moving into our new apartment so things have been crazy around here.

I really loved hearing everyone's random facts about themselves last week, so I'll ask another question this week. What kind of music do you listen to? (I pretty much listen to the same two genres of music [broadway and country] and I'm looking to expand my tastes, so if you've got any artists or albums you can recommend that would be awesome)

I hope everyone has a good week!


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