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To start off I have been reading stories like this so I desided to write my own and I'll try to make it existing also I am only 10 at this time(also its 3-12-18 rn)
After we got back from our mission Natsu kept on glaring at me. Then out of no where lissana came busting the doors. Everyone was happy but me and Wendy and Gajeel, and loxus. Me,Gajeel and Wendy didn't know lissana very much so we didn't party with the others. Laxus stayed on the 2nd floor. It seemed everyone forgotten me and left me alone. But then this one dreadful day Natsu came up to me and said these words, "Lucy me and the team were thinking of kicking you off the team" Natsu said withal straight face. "W-What! Why!" I asked him. "Because you are weak,Stupid, and lazy" Natsu said. "Also the whole guild wants you to quit also you were just a replacement for lissana" Natsu said. "F-Fine!" I yelled as I walked to the master's office.

Master-"Yes child what do you need?"
Lucy-"Master I desided to quit fairytail.."
Master-"Why child?"
Lucy-"Natsu said i was weak stupid lazyand only a replacement for lissana ;-;"
Master-"As you wish" he said while putting my hand in his hands and my fairytail logo was off of my hand but before I left he asked me "When will you come back?"
Lucy- "after I am done training" I said as I left

I walked out of the office and of course Wendy and Gajeel heard our conversation. "We will miss you Lucy-Senpai" Wendy said. "Yeah" Said Gajeel.

*Time Skip 2 hours*

After I finished packing I went to the train stormy untied shoe laces tripped me making me fall into a lady with white hair. "Ow I'm so sorry" I said dusting myself off. "Its o-" She said but was cut off "Bye the way is your name Lucy Hearyfillia?" She asked. "Uh yes why?" I said confused. "Thank lord our princess has come back!" she said taking my hand and running to the woods. "Why am I here?" I asked. "I am here to take you to the dragon realm" She said "Also my name is Celesta the light dragon"She added as she opended a portal. "Wait what!!!" I yelled as she pulled me into the portal with her. As we got to the realm me went i to her normal form(I don't have any pics for this part but in part 2 yes) "wooow" I said in exsitment. "Get on I will bring you to the castle" Celesta said. "Um ok?" I said as I hopped on her back. When we reached the castle inside was my mom on the throne. "M-Mom!" I yelled as I ran to her and hugged her. "L-Lucy your here" my mom Kayla Heartfellia said. My mom told me everything from when I was born and she will give her throne to me when I have finished my training with the other elemental dragons and her herself. My trainer tommorow is celesta the light dragon. Igneel showed me my room. Went to sleep because I was sleepy and it was 7pm and I didn't feel like waiting for 8pm.

***Back at the guild hall***
"Everyone listen up!" Makarov yelled and got everyone attention
"Whats up grumps?" Natsu asked. "NATSU YOU CAUSED THE ONLY STAR IN THE GUILD TO LEAVE AND MAY NEVER COME BACK WAIT NO ITS THE WHOLE GUILDS FAULT BUT WENDY,GAJEEL,AND LAXUS! ALL OF YOUHAVE LEFT LUCY ALONE AND FORGOTTN HER AND SAID SHE WAS WEAK! SHE IS THE ONLY CELESTIAL MADGE HERE SO SHE CAN BE THE STRONGEST MADGE HERE IN MY HEART! NOW LUCY MAY NEVER COME BACK!" Makarov yelled at everyone. And after the speech everyone started sobbing and wished they never don't that stuff to her. 'This is all my fault...' Natsu thought to himself as he cried.
========To Be Continued======
This is for Ivy and Ivy only. Sorry this may be a bit harsh for you cause you love Natsu so much just remember this is a fan fic and NALU SHALL LIVE ON!!!

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