Chapter 19

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Jack's POV
"Hai hai~! Just give me a second!" I said and grumbled as I made my way to the door and opened it.

"Yes~ Who is it~?"

"Jack Vessalius. You're coming with us."

"Eh?" I opened my eyes and saw that I was about to be grabbed so I made my body unmaterialize and the guys who tried to grab me had wide eyes.

"What the?! He's an illusion!!"

"He's a stronger demon than you shit rat."

"Demo lich-tan! He isn't even a vampire!"

"Jack Vessalius." I turned my head to the blonde cosplayer who wore a cowboy outfit.

"Hm~? That's me~ Can I help you with anything?"

"Yes. But may we come in first?"

"....I personally don't think that's a too idea."

"Why?" He asked with a smirk and I returned it.

"Because pureblooded and half blooded vampires live here plus three legally contracted chains and a lady who happens to be a witch."

'I can't believe I called her that.' I thought and they had eyes as wide as saucers.


"What is the Ruckus here Jack?"

"Ah. Shit it's Spectacles."

"Don't call me that Jack."

"Aw but it suits you~?" He rolled his eyes and glared at the nine teens and kid.

"Who are you?"

"We are here for him." A short stack with an ahoge said and I raised a brow.


"We need to know some things about you."


"How is someone dead actually alive for who knows how many years?" The cowboy said and I glanced at Reiji.

"Don't cause a mess or there'll be a punishment." He said and I sighed but nonetheless gave him a grin.

"Ooh~ Punishments~ Kinky~" I teased smirking and a light dust of pink hue appeared on his cheeks. He clicked tongue and teleported away, I turned to them and some of them had blushes on their faces which made me chuckle.

"I tease them for fun." I said and opened the door wider for them.

"Come on in! And please be quiet as possible and keep the place clean because it'll be to tiresome to deal with others mess." I said with shadow casting my eyes.

"H-hai." They all said and I nodded and held out my hand.

"Let's introduce ourselves properly. I am Jack Vessalius nice to meet you."

"You actually know us Jack-san." The brunette said and I had a question mark above my head.

"I do?"

"You and your brother saved us from getting kidnapped from those vampires."

'Eh? Do you know something author-san?'

Yui's Older Brother - Diabolik Lovers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now