Chapter 28: End of the Line

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The ending is almost near so enjoy the last few chapters everyone. Your all going to be killing me because of the ending though T^T

Aria ran through the forest, their's no turning back on what she has just done.

"Aria!" She heard

"Sh*t" she cursed and continued running

She was tackled and pinned to the ground. Her energy was running low, she tried to fight. But she was too weak.

"Where are they.... tell me!" Lloyd shouted at her

She kicked him off her. Lloyd picked her up by the waist before she ran away.

She was fighting against her own emotions, trying desperately not to cry. Lloyd, her best friend, now enemy.

Lloyd himself didn't want to fight her. He has a job to do, he has to keep everyone safe... even if it meant he had to hurt his best friend.

"Tell me now" he said going towards the lake, knowing full well that Aria couldn't swim.

He has no intention of dropping her in. He's just trying to scare her so she'll tell him where she put the ninjas.

"I'm not telling you!" Aria shouted

Lloyd stood next to the lake and prepared to "throw her in".

'Aria please don't make me throw you in' he thought to himself

Aria screamed and Lloyd threw her in. Aria can't swim and she was too weak to try.

Lloyd watched, hoping she would get up.

But she never came up, he jumped into the water and pulled her up to the side of the river.

He backed away as he saw her purple eyes. She stood up and looked into his deep green eyes.

The color that were once hers, are now shaded purple. The color of her father's eyes.

She lifted her hand up. Air surrounded her hand, making a thin, sharp, needle, out of nothing.

She aimed it and threw it towards the green ninja, aiming for his heart.

He dodged just in time for it to go straight through his shoulder. It continued on through a couple trees before stopping.

Lloyd held his shoulder in pain. That small needle, if it had hit his heart he surely would've died.

Lloyd looked at Aria. He couldn't believe it, she's shaking.... she's scared.

"Aria, please, we don't have to fight. Tell me where they are" Lloyd pleaded

She shook her head no as he saw tears starting to form in her eyes.

They soon started falling down her cheeks. She's crying.

Pain appeared near them. "Finish him Aria" he said

"Aria please" Lloyd practically begged his best friend.

Pain's hand started glowing and different color smoak started coming from the volcanos.

"Do it now!" He shouted

"No!" Aria yelled, Lloyd slightly smiled

Pain looked furious "i said now!"

"I won't hurt him" Aria said

"He's a fucken ninja Aria! He killed your father!" Pain shouted

"He's my best friend and i love him!" Aria shouted back

Lloyd went over to Aria and hugged her

"L-Lloyd" she stuttered nervously

"I love you too" Lloyd said

Aria pointed to the tallest volcano that had regular black smoak

"Go save them, I'll hold him off" she said looking at him and Pain

Lloyd nodded and started running to the volcano, hearing a battle start behind him.

'She'll be alright' he thought to himself

He ran inside the volcano and got all the ninja out before it erupted.

"Lloyd" the ninjas said happily and hugged him

"Ok now where's that little brat" Kai said

"Guys, Aria's on our side now, It's ok" Lloyd said

"And you believe her?" Jay asked

"I do, because i love her" Lloyd said determined and slightly blushing

The ninjas nodded happily, that is, until they heard a loud, high-pitched scream.

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