Chapter 17: Boss

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^3rd POV^

It was the middle of the night and everyone's sleeping, but one person...... of course it's her the daughter of pure evil


Why would she scream that so loud i have no idea

"Stop breaking the fourth wall!!!!!!" She shouted

Oh right well onto the story without the fourth wall breaking this time

It was the middle of the night and Aria couldn't sleep so she got dressed and went out to the balcony (carefully not waking Lloyd up)

Aria stood on the rail and jumped on the roof, landing on her feet

"Took you long enough"

Aria looked up to come face to face with Python, Pythor's son. Pythor was really creative with his son's name wasn't he

"Hey Python" she said pulling his hat down over his eyes

He put his hat back annoyed "Boss stop doing that" Python said

She looked behind him to see her other friends

"Hey Morty, hey Hunter" she said

Morty son of Jin, Hunter son of Clouse, so Hunter just happens to be her cousin since Clouse is her uncle apparently

"Hey Ari" they said together

Ari is her nickname they also like to call her kitten for some reason.

"And Python for your information i had to make sure i didn't wake my roommate up" Aria said

"Yes boss" he answered

They all sat in front of Aria. "Now the tournament has only began, this 50 demon challenge isn't even the start of how dangerous this can get, and it's our job to make sure the others don't cheat. This will be a good opportunity to prove to me you, my friends, are capable of being my top generals. Impress me and you'll be a general, if not you get sent back to the island while the ones that won will be sent to the underworld to start training to be a general. Do you three understand?"

"Yes my Lord" Python, Morty, and Hunter said together

"Perfect" Aria said and jumped off the roof, landing on the balcony of her room.

She stood there and looked at the star filled sky

"It's almost the full moon...."

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