20: Zombie Baby Daddy!

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"She's not just a baby," Warren said. "She's something else. She could grow up to be the savior of the human race or the queen of destruction. And we need to find out which, and do what we got to do." She finished before walking off.

We followed her to a different spot of rocks. We sharpened our weapons and just talked. It wasn't anything specific, just random small talk.

A twig snapped and 10K appeared through the shack, holding a chain of fish.

"Caught some trout." He said, holding up the fish.

"Kid, you are a fishing guru." Doc said, impressed. "What's your secret?"

"Be one with the fish." 10K replied.

Addy and I giggled. 10K walked over to me while fist bumping Warren.

"Well I got some foil in here somewhere. We're gonna fry one of them bad boys up." Doc said.

10K crouched next to me. His eyes were locked on Murphy and Cassandra. Cassandra was rubbing Murphy's feet.

"Hey, we gotta get a look at that baby." Warren whispered.

"Yeah, well good luck," Addy replied. "Super Dad over there won't let anybody touch her. I'm guessing he's afraid we're gonna leave her behind." Addy looked around since it grew quiet. "Which isn't something that we're actually considering doing, right?"

Warren smirked. "Something tells me she's gonna outlive us all."

Addy and Doc nodded, agreeing. So did I. I mean, Murphy was immune to the zombie virus, so maybe his daughter inherited that immunity.

"Where's Vasquez?" Warren asked.

"I passed him in the woods," 10K answered. "Heading south toward town."

Warren got a disapproving look on her face. "I'm gonna find out where he keeps disappearing to. You four see if you can't get that baby away from Murphy."

Doc and Addy nodded. Addy handed Warren a scope and then she left.

"We need a distraction or something." I said. "A way to get Murphy to hand over Lucy."

"Or to get him alone," Addy said.

"How? Cassandra won't leave his side." 10K pointed out, anger in his voice.

Addy had a pondering look on her face. "Doc, why don't you act like you can give a check up on her."

"Yeah, Yeah. Okay." Doc said. He stood up and wandered off to Murphy.

After a few minutes Addy, 10K, And I joined Doc. Murphy was trying to yank something out of Lucy's mouth. He got it, but sent Lucy off on a temper tantrum.

"Great. You happy now?" Murphy snapped. He threw the thing Lucy was chewing on at Doc. A finger.

"Look, Murphy," Doc started. "Nobody's saying you're a bad father. We just think it'd be a good idea to, you know, give the baby a little check up. That's all."

"There is nothing wrong with little LuLu and since when are you a pediatrician, huh?" Murphy snapped.

"Murphy," Addy said. "She's just had sugar water to eat. Let doc have a quick look at her."

"She looks fine to me." Murphy growled, rocking Lucy.

"Takes a village." Doc said.

Murphy stood up and looked at all four of us. "I don't know what you're up to. But I don't like it."

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