Chapter 31: Truth Or Dare... Round Two

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"Chill, Uriah," Tobias says, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We have all night"

For the next two hours, people continuously give me high fives and congratulate me on my ranking. I think I've only blushed that much once in my life. I've never been more awkward.

The whole time Uri has fun making jokes about how he'll 'beat me next time' but everyone knows that it's all in jest- people have begun to say that I'm the third Petrad.

We laugh and laugh and drink and laugh. Sure, I don't have more than half a beer that I pass off to Will, but I feel free.

About two and a half hours into the party, Uriah makes an announcement on the karaoke mic (that Zeke and him sung a love song on earlier).

"If I do not know you personally," he slurs. "Get out."

Apparently, the other dauntless have planned for this and one yells "PARTY AT MY PLACE!"

They clear out and the music is turned off.

After everyone else is gone, what's left it about the group that played truth or dare last time. One random girl is still passed out on the couch, but Zeke picks her up and sets her in the hallway.

I hope she doesn't get stepped on.

"You all know what time it is," Zeke calls, walking back into the room. "Candor or Dauntless."

I sigh, knowing it was coming, and Uriah cheers. Will is stone faced and Marlene seems too drunk to respond.

I go get everyone some crackers and water so we can sober up before the game.

After eating and drinking (water this time) it was the right window to play.

"I'm good," Mar announces, letting us know we're in the clear and she's (somewhat) sober.

Uriah perks up as he yells

"Truth or dare... round two!"

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