Chapter 25: Capture the Flag

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I am awoken from my sleep to the banging of a metal pan onto a pipe.

Waaaaayyyyyyy to early in the morning.

"At the tracks in five minutes," Eric demands.

---Time skip to when tris starts to climb the feris wheel, named Morgan Len ------

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I'm getting a better point of view, trying to spot their flag."


Ok? I was expecting more from him.

"But I'm coming."

There it is.

"You can't come," I protest. "You're afraid of heights, and I can't do that to you."

"I'm more afraid of you falling from this thing and dying."

"Fair point."

By the time we are at the top, he looks as if he were about to pass out.

"Hey, look at me."

The eye contact we make causes my breath to hitch.

"You're fine."

"I'm fine," he repeats.

And at that moment we lean in.

---- rest of capture the flag happens, named princess Arcuta -------

On the train ride back, we laugh and joke as the other team sulks.

Just another game of

Capture the flag

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