Chapter 21:Passed Out On Zeke's Floor

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This goes out to felz_ciaa for being so amazing.

Mentions of abuse

"As in Tobias Eaton?" Will quietly asks.

The name has sucked every bit of life from the room.

I still find myself nodding my head.

"The child that might have been beaten?" Al whispers.

I nod once more.

The truth is, I don't know how to handle the rumors. Glancing up at Toby, he inconspicuously shakes his head.

"Never saw a bruise on him," I inject.

"He is here in dauntless, isn't he?" Uriah says, being the most serious I have ever seen him.

I nod once more, feeling like an idiot.

"No one knows what happened to him," Zeke lies. Only Toby, Shanna, and I caught it. Good. Now I know who knows, it's a relief.

"He came two years ago," I reminisce. "We had this big plan that-
N e v e r m i n d."

"Oh Tris," Christina breaks, pity in her eyes, for me. "I'm so sorry."

"No need," I brighten my tone. "Al candor or dauntless?"


"What do you want most in the world?" I ask, in a joking way.

"Getting to the deep questions here, aren't we?" Zeke laughs along.

"Happiness," Al answers, completely serious. Oh gosh. "Will, Candor or Dauntless?"


"Ok, I dare you to brush your teeth and then drink orange juice."

Everyone visible winces in disgust.

After he does it he goes to wash his mouth out, then returns.

"Marlene, is it?"

In response, she nods. "Dauntless"

"I dare you to go into the hallway, then force the first person you see to give you a piggyback ride, as you scream 'run horsey run!!!'"

This was to be entertaining. But, I didn't get to witness. Uriah, Lynn, and Will were the lucky ones.

When they return, Marlene looks straight into my eyes, and asks the question of doom.


"Okay, I dare you to, call your brother or dad, if you don't have a brother, and tell him that you have fallen deeply in love with your shower towel."

Insert phone ringing noise here.

(Caleb's voice is in italics)


Hey Caleb!!!!!

Who is this?

Your sister, anyway I was calling to tell you something important.

What is it

I fave fallen head over heals in love with my bath towel.

Insert phone hanging up noise here.

We all were in hysterics.

And by the end of the night we also were all

Passed Out On Zeke's Floor

Here's the latest chapter, hope you enjoyed!!!!!!

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