Chapter 1: The Choice is Mine

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So... I'm skipping the appitude test and going right to choosing day.

(Tris P.O.V.)

The test is supposed to tell you what to do. I've grown up in a society being told that the most important decision of my life will be set straight with the test. But now there's three choices. But, who am I kidding? I know where I am going. This day was decided by Tobias and I the years ago. I couldn't exist without him. But, we've been apart for two years. What if he doesn't want me there? Or even worse, what if he's moved on from me?

I hope he hasn't. In the past two years I have only had two things on my mind. Two things that went hand in hand. Him and dauntless. He has not only been in my mind though. He is wrapped around my heart, engraved into my soul. In these past two years i have realised - I am completely and utterly in love with Tobias Eaton. Tobias Eaton, the Abnegation traitor. But guess what? In a few short, wee hours I will be a traitor as well. And, it's almost scary how much I don't care.

My parents know I'm leaving, so they'll be okay. They have Caleb. They hugged me after dinner and told me they loved me. Mom even brought me up to their room to show me her old dauntless clothes so I could know that she knows why I want to be there. My family and I have peace between us.

------------------------------ this line break is brought to you by Sierra Leone (inside joke) -----------------------------------------

"Beatrice Prior," Marcus calls. Oh, how I hate that man.

This year, they have done the choosing ceremony differently, resulting in me going before Caleb. They decided to make it so everyone is called in alphabetical order, not reverse like they have in years previous. Caleb won't be with our family as my blood hits the coals like I pictured he would be, but at least they know I'm leaving.

As I walk up to the Monster, I bite my cheek to keep my temper in check. I can taste the metallic blood from biting too hard by the time I pick up the knife.

"Don't make the same mistake he did," Marcus growls a a volume only I can hear. "The Choice should be to stay with your parents. They make the choice."

The comments enrage me. Who does he think he is!

I drag the knife along my palm, not feeling the pain due to the Monster-in-front-of-me's threat. I wonder how this felt for Tobias, to bask in the glory of overcoming Marcus. If it was, I can now relate.

I look into Marcus' eyes as I hold my hand over the burning coals. His eyes grow enraged as I say,

"The Choice is Mine"

There is chapter one... Hope you enjoyed!!!!

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