Chapter 18: Never Have I Ever

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This chapter is rated PG13 for drinking

Soon, the four (haha get it) of us arrived at the address written on the paper. And for some reason, we are all bundled in clothes.

I reach my hand up to knock on the door, but before contact is made, the door swings open to reveal the ever smiling face of Uriah. He beckons us inside.

We sit down at the circle and I look at who else is playing.
(In circle so Al is next to Will)



A girl, Marlene I think

Another girl wearing a shirt that says "I'm Lynn and I will kick your a**"


Shanna (just pretend they met)

Oh god, Toby




Looks like a good group.

"Because this is my place," Zeke announces, that's who's apartment this is. "I will declare that we will be playing Never Have I Ever to Begin. For the innocents of the room *cough* Tris *cough*" I'm not that innocent. "Uri will explain."

"Ok," Uriah takes over. "Every person will say something like 'Never have I ever kissed a snake' and all those who have kissed a snake will take a drink."

Out of all of the things he could have said as an example he chose that, weird, but still,I nod.

Zeke starts, "Never have I ever gotten above a C in class."

Everyone but Uriah takes a drink.

"Never have I ever," Shanna continues. "Been a boy."

All the male species members drink.

"Never have I ever, been a girl," Four is taking revenge.

All the female species members drink.

"Never have I ever... Drunk before this game," take that.

Everyone drinks.

"Never have I Ever worn red," Chris says. "What? It would clash with my skin tone."

"Never have I ever been a dauntless member," Will blurts.

All said members drink.

"Never have I ever been kissed," Al stutters. Bless his poor, innocent heart.

Everyone drinks.

"Wait," the Lynn girl interrupts. "I thought you were a stiff?"

"I was."

"But isn't like holding hands considered a crime there?" Marlene (still don't know if that's her name) asks.

I nod.

"And you are kissing?" Uriah says, joining the interrogation.

I nod once more.

"Wait," Chris starts. "I know that look!" She raises her eyebrows. "Secret love affair."

Blushing, I nod in confirmation. "That is correct."

"Never have I ever," Uriah struggles. "Been Erudite."

Will drinks.

"Wooow I thought that there were more former noses here."

"Shut up," doved Marlene by me says.

"Fine, Marlene."

Ha!! I was right!!

"Never have I ever, been candor."

She beats Uriah with the amount of drinkers.

It's Lynn's turn, and she is wearing a smirk that could make a grown man pee his pants.

"Never have I ever lost my virginity," he says.

Christina, Will, and Al don't take a shot.

I do.

Chaos rains.

Just another game of

Never have I ever.

They will be playing Candor or Dauntless next chapter.

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