Chapter 15: Love You Too

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I recognize the feeling at once.

His lips are warm.

He tastes of chocolate.

I love this man.

"Hey," he whispers, pushing my hair behind my ear. "Do you want to stay here? I'll fight off the anger."

"Okay, but you're not sleeping on the ground." Is my response.

"Then where am I supposed to sleep?"

"In the bed," I say with a grin.

"I know what you're thinking, sure, but it goes against everything we've ever been taught."

"We are not in abnegation anyway and it's not like we didn't do it once of twice there."

"I know," he whispers.

We both lay down and go to sleep, entangled with one another.

---- THE WALL (not built by Trump) breakfast --------

I wake up to a large bed. It's bigger than my old one in abnegation and sure as h*ll bigger than the dormitory ones. It's Toby's.  I can smell his scent on it, the scent of safety.

But I'm alone.

He walks in and throws me a chocolate chip muffin, my favorite breakfast food I have discovered here in dauntless. 

"Fank ou," I say though a mouthful trying to pronounce thank you.

"Uri welome," he responds, mimicking me.

"Ha ha so funny," I retort after swallowing.

He walks over and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"You missed," I tease.


I stand up and pull him into a real kiss.

"Come on," he says, pulling away. "We need to go to breakfast. And Bea, I still have to treat you like crap in front of other people so I'm sorry."

"I understand. And I'm leaving now, so you leave in like ten minutes."

"Deal. Love you."

"Love you too."

This one is major fluff so ya.

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