Chapter 38: Encounters

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The boat came to a halt as it nudged the silt shore of the lake, having fulfilled it's duty in bringing us back to the Dark Samurai's domain, yet no one made a move to get out. The Dark Samurai sighed into the silence, breaking the paralysis that seemed to have gripped us. Hikage threw himself over the side of the boat to splash into the shallow waters, then dragged the boat further up the shore allowing the Dark Samurai and I to reluctantly depart without getting wet.

I stole one last glance out across the lake, trying to soak in the serene waters and the moonlight, burning the sight into my memory, knowing it was probably the final time I'd be able to see it. Hikage too stared out across the lake, his searching gaze no longer looking far beyond the horizon, he couldn't stop the melancholy from consuming his expression as he turned away, taking in the small rough cottage and the dying fire. He stalked up to the faintly glowing embers, took a small stick from the wood pile and gently held out the piece of kindling over the remains.

Hikage spoke the encouraging words to the fire, but there was no response, he slightly shook his head as the realisation dawned on him he couldn't cast spells anymore. He arranged a few more pieces onto the fire then came to join the Dark Samurai and I at the edge of the forest, it was time to leave.

I followed the Dark Samurai as he confidently lead us into the forest, looking back occasionally to check Hikage was still with us, his footfalls as silent and sure as the Dark Samurai's in the twilight-like gloom created by the strange trees. We seemed to walk in silence for a long time, my mind preoccupied with not falling over, no doubt the others were busy in their own minds too. I didn't notice as the trees subtly started to return to more natural looking shades, the air grew warmer and the light danced down amongst the abundant leaves. I didn't notice as the Dark Samurai flickered almost indiscernibly as he flitted off to destroy the monsters hiding around us, keeping our path clear.

"Around here is where we first met." The Dark Samurai noted.

I scanned around for any trace of that fateful meeting, but it looked like any other section of forest to me. I suddenly turned to the Dark Samurai, something niggling in my mind about the words he had just said.

"Do you remember everything from while Hikage was using your character?" I asked astounded. I hadn't thought before about what happened to the Dark Samurai's character while his body was being used by Hikage. The sight of him blushing surfaced in my mind, answering my question before he had replied.

"I do, I see them as my own, even though they aren't solely mine." The Dark Samurai confirmed.

Part of me felt slightly more at ease, I knew that Hikage's personality was now in his own avatar, but the bond I'd formed with him while in the Dark Samurai's body wasn't easy to sever with that logic alone, I couldn't look at his familiar face and feel nothing. Now I knew that some part of Hikage still existed within the Dark Samurai, his existence hadn't been erased and neither had our time together, I didn't need to think of the Dark Samurai as a total stranger.

I smiled to myself as we pushed onwards through the forest. My happiness was shortly interrupted as I ducked in shock as something burned on the back of my neck. My world was plunged into momentary darkness as my hood was dumped over my head, I pulled it back slightly and ogled at Hikage, my brain catching up with what had happened.

"Sunlight isn't good for vampires." He murmured.

"Sorry Kaishin, I should have warned you we are almost free of the forest." The Dark Samurai apologised, looking troubled by his failure to inform me.

My feet stilled beneath me, I wanted to reply it was fine, but my mouth refused to work either. Why was this so hard? I had a new quest and now could spend my real life days with Kazehiro, but still I didn't want to let this adventure end.

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