Chapter 30: Culprit

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I flopped across the desk, my mind exhausted. I felt my arm being moved out the way as Naoki continued scribbling, my limbs having landed over the top of his work.

"I can't remember the last time I revised this hard when there wasn't a proper exam." I complained.

"You're helping a friend in need, that should be a good enough reason. It was your idea anyway!" He snapped, slamming his pen down as he was drawn into the conversation, his concentration broken.

"I can't wait for Wednesday when it's all over. If you just pay attention in class in the future I bet we wouldn't have to do this again." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"How do you think I feel?" He countered.

Our lunch time study sessions were almost at an end, just tomorrow's lunch time remained before Naoki's fateful tests that would determine whether he was going to the tournament. Airi seemed to have given up on studying, today she was sat reading a magazine catching up on the latest gossip and trends. Kazehiro had joined us, but he was reserved and quiet, not adding comments like he usually did. He had an aura about him that warned he didn't feel like talking today, but Airi being Airi, ignored that and did so anyway.

"What you drawing today?"

Kazehiro glanced over the top of his knees, Airi continued to look expectantly at him, he seemed to have already come to understand what kind of person she was, so backed down and gave in to her questions.

"Just adding more detail to the same ones you saw the other day." He replied with a sigh.

"Can I see?"

Taking his feet off his chair he placed the sketchbook down on the table and spun it around in one quick movement.

"Wow that's coming along really well! You even added colour." She admired.

I stole a look at the drawings, and was amazed by the detailing of them.

"Wow they are good. What is that thing?" I breathed, stile in awe of it's almost life like appearance.

A fleeting look of surprise passed across Kazehiro's expression.

"Haven't you come across these? The blood-batryx." He pointed to the fuzzy creature.

"I don't think so. I've only really fought taranceri and fire-phinx." I explained.

"You were right about the The Count Miya, his eyes really are piercing!" Airi enthused, scrutinising the drawing.

"The Count?" I quizzed.

She looked up in surprise. "Yeah, this guy."

She turned the book around to show me. A smartly dressed man with a cane stared back at me, his eyes a blood red, sharp incisors poking out behind lips twisted into a mocking smile.

He's a va-

Blackness spread through my mind, wiping out all my thoughts.

"You said the other day you'd seen him."

I found myself staring at the sketchbook blankly.

"I've never seen him before, I don't know who that is." I argued back.

If I'd seen a guy who looked like that I was sure he would have been memorable.

"Literally the other day you said he was famous, The Count of Midnight or something you called him."

I did. It could see it now, the jigsaw piece had been handed to me, I was walking home with Airi and I had said those words, and I had felt fear, there was something about this man that struck terror into my soul. I peered into the red eyes on the paper, and for a moment, I could see those red eyes gazing back at me out of darkness, a strong hand gripping me tightly as we retreated. Then it was gone.

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