Chapter Seven - Spin the Bottle

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I sat in between Max and Lulu in the circle. Max began tapping the empty bottle with his fingers, waiting for everyone to get settled down.

"Mmk, so if the bottle lands on you, the person dares you to do something." He turned to me and winked. I smiled in return. "So who wants to go first?"

The room was dead silent. It was completely opposite than how it was just a few minutes ago. So Max spoke up. "Fine, if all of you are pussies, I'll go."

The pace of my heart beat grew as the bottle slowly spun. It's going to land on me..It's definately landing on me. Oh my gosh it's about to land on-

"Abby," Max smirked looking up at me. I began to hear murmurs from everyone else in the room. On the bright side, at least I knew him. "I dare you to.." He bit his lip, thinking. "I dare you to kiss me."

All eyes were locked on me. "Ok," I gave him a sweet smile.

"You know you don't have to do this," Lulu muttered next to me.

"I know, it's okay." I reassured her. It did feel a bit awkward kissing a boy I just met, but everyone was watching. This was the worst time to chicken out. I glanced around the room, searching for Jeydon. I found him right next to Max.

I began leaning towards Max. I shut my eyes tightly. In seconds, I felt Max's lips on mine.

"Wait!" I heard Jeydon's voice. I froze and opened my eyes. Everyone turned to face my stepbrother. "Abby, we have to go. Our parents are going to be home any minute!"

I jumped from where I was sitting and ran, following Jeydon out the door. As I ran towards the car, I heard people yelling our names, asking to stay longer.

I fastened my seatbelt and stared ahead as Jeydon drove out of the driveway. Once we were at a red light, he cleared his throat.

"I think you would like to thank someone." He turned to face me.

"What?" I was confused. All that was on my mind right now was that I was going to be dead and I had a few minutes to live my life.

"I got you out of kissing Max?" He made it seem as if it were obvious.

"Oh, right! Yeah, thanks." I rested my head on my hand and stared out the window.

"Wait, you wanted to kiss him?" The light changed to green so he stepped onto the pedal.

"No! I don't even know him..I just," I sighed. "I don't know."

"Hey, if you like Max, you know I could, uh, hook you guys up?" I turned to face him.

"No, I don't! I mean, he's nice and all, don't get me wrong."

He let out a laugh. "Calm down."

I froze as Jeydon pulled up into the driveway of our house. Ashley's van was parked there.

"They're home?!" I said.

"Guess this is our last minute of freedom." He turned to me and saw that I didn't think this was funny. "Look, Abby, I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me. I really thought we were getting off to a great start."

I sighed, not facing him. "I'm not mad at you. Let's just get this over with." We both got out of the car and Jeydon unlocked the door.

Dad and Ashley were sitting on the couch by Kate, who was still asleep.

"I can explain," I started off.

"Where were you?" Dad demanded.

"At a party." I mumbled. I couldn't look him in the eye. He was upset with me and I felt extremly guilty.

"I can't believe this! How could you leave Kate home alone? I really thought you were responsible, but now how can I trust you?" There were few times in my life where my dad was angry. Those times were not fun.

"Actually, James," Jeydon stepped in. "It's all my fault. I convinced Abby to go with me. She was totally against it and told me we shouldn't leave Kate. So, don't blame her because I take all the blame." I turned toward him and stared at him, asking him in my head why he was doing this. He was the one that took me home before they arrived. Or at least tried.

"You both are in trouble." Dad said firmly. "It's time for you two to sleep. Go on up, and you're not leaving this house until the wedding."

I quickly ran upstairs before I got into more trouble. I layed on my bed and shut my eyes, trying to fall asleep. I was too lazy to change out of my clothes. I tossed and turned in my bed for about half an hour until I gave up on trying to sleep.

I sat up on my bed. I really wanted to talk to Jeydon. Would he still be up? I slowly pushed my door open and began to walk towards Jeydon's bedroom. I raised my fist to knock his door then dropped it. This was stupid. He was obviously asleep. I began to tip toe back to my room when I heard the creak of a door.

"Can't sleep?" I heard his soothing deep voice. I turned around and gave him a smile, shaking my head. "Me either. Come in," He opened the door a bit wider, welcoming me inside. I walked in and sat on the edge of his bed next to him.

"Kate didn't even wake up..yet we still get in trouble." He muttered. I nodded, looking around his room. It was the first time I'd been in here. I noticed some pictures. There was one that caught my attention the most. A picture of his mother, him, and his father. His father looked exactly like him. An older version, actually.

"Hey, wanna go to Starbucks?"

I turned to face him. "But, we're not supposed-"

He smirked, "How much more trouble can we get into? They're not going to keep us from going to the wedding."

I smiled. "True, true. Let's go!"


Hii :) So, I kinda wanna know if you guys want me to continue this story? So if I get at least one comment or a vote on this chapter, I'll continue, sound good? ^.^

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