Chapter Twenty Eight - Dinner with Jason's Family

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Chapter Twenty Eight:

Now Jason and I go way back. We had both been dating for quite some time and our families became really close because of this. We had been on vacation together a couple of times. His dad and my dad became best friends after we had dated, starting from freshman year. So we basically did everything together. He even started to feel more like family than a boyfriend. Or at least a family member that you kissed..

Anyway, once my dad proposed to Ashley and it was confirmed we were moving to New York, Jason and I decided to break up. The only reason being we didn't think the whole long distance relationship thing would work out. We remained friends but after I started dating Jeydon, I basically lost contact with most of my friends in Indiana. So you can tell why I was really shocked that Jason was here.

I stand there, speechless. Breaking the silence, Jason steps forward and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey, babe." He grins, pulling back. "I missed you."

Babe? Why exactly was he calling me that? I know that we definitely did not hate each other and only broke up because of distance, but now that he was here, did he think that meant we were all of a sudden dating again? Because I don't remember agreeing on this.

"You guys are so cute!" His mom exclaims. "It feels like just yesterday Jason would bring Abby home with him." She smiles at me. "You were always just like a daughter to me, Abby."

Normally, I would've ran over to his mother and given her a hug. But now, it seemed like I didn't even know them anymore. It was weird to think that they used to be home to me but now it's like they're strangers. My new family with Jeydon, Kate, and Ashley feels like I've known all of them forever.

"They do look cute." Ashley agrees with her.

I immediately blush. I give Jason a small smile, missing his adorable dimples.

"Jason, I missed you too and I'm so glad to see you but what brought you to all of a sudden decide to come all the way here to visit me?"

I know it's probably not the most welcoming thing to ask someone the minute you see them but I really don't understand why he chose to come see me right now. Especially while I was dating Jeydon, which obviously made this really awkward.

Speaking of Jeydon, it's hard to not notice him glaring at Jason as he sits at the counter, popping a grape into his mouth. I wonder if he and Jason had already talked. I don't think it was too long they were here until I arrived. Did he know that Jason and I used to date? I can only imagine the things going on in his mind.

"Well my dad's company got promoted and moved to New York so we moved here. We only live a couple of blocks away." He says. "Your dad invited us for dinner so we can catch up and everything."

"Isn't that great, Abby?" Dad asks, putting a hand on Jason's shoulder. "Now you two can date again!"

I'm about to point out that he's wrong and that I already have a boyfriend so we can't date. But I realize that I can't say that. My relationship with Jeydon is a secret. I feel like my dad secretly planned this so I could get over Jeydon and date Jason instead. But I know that there's no possible way he could get Jason's dad's company to move to New York. Or could he?

"Aren't you happy, Abby?" Jason asks, a concerned look on his face. "I thought you'd be glad to see me. Or did we break up for more than just distance?" He frowns, looking rejected.

"No!" I quickly say, feeling bad. "I'm just surprised, that's all."

"Oh," he says, his frown turning upside down. "So, how about we go to your room and catch up?"

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