Chapter Eight - Starbucks ♥

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Bells jingled as Jeydon pulled open the front door of Starbucks. The aroma of coffee beans filled my nostrils. A short woman with brown locks of hair pulled into a bun stood behind the counter. She was wiping the counter top with a white cloth.

The woman looked up when she heard the bells jingle and gave us a warm smile. "How may I help you?"

I skimmed through the menu even though I know what I wanted. "Can I have a white chocolate mocha frapp?"

"Of course. And you?" She turned to Jeydon.

He began tapping his fingers on the counter, staring at the menu. "I'll have a tall hot chocolate."

She nodded and headed towards the back of the room to make our drinks. Jeydon and I sat at a table while we waited.

We sat in silence for a moment until Jeydon spoke up. "What exactly happened to your mom?"

I was a bit shocked by his question. Nobody ever asked me that until I've gotten extremly close. Jeydon and I were now close but I didn't think we were that close. On the other hand, I really did want to know what happened to his dad.

"Well, she, uh," I had no idea where to start.

"I'm so sorry. If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine." Jeydon said.

"No, it's allright." I reassured him. Then I told him everything. I told him about how she was five months pregnant with my little sister. How she had a car crash on the night of a blizzard. It felt as if it all happened yesterday when I began retelling how my dad got a call from the hospital and we drove right over. I still remember exactly how the doctor told us the news. I even remembered the color of the walls in the room and the doctor's large mustache.

I tried to wipe away the tear that slid down my cheek as I finished my story before Jeydon noticed but I didn't succeed. "Abby, I didn't know." He told me. "I really shouldn't of asked I-" He let out a groan.

"I really wanted to tell someone about it. My dad and I have barely said a word about it since the incident. I'm glad you asked." I gave him a small smile before I continued to speak. "Now that I told you about my mom, can you tell me about your dad?"

Before he could speak the woman behind the counter set our drinks on our table. "Enjoy!" She said cheerfully before walking back to the counter.

I picked up my drink and noticed there was black sharpie writing on it. Though I never recalled telling her my name. "Does yours have writing on it too?" I asked Jeydon before reading what she wrote.

My eyes widened a bit when I read the words. "Mine says 'To the cutest couple'" I looked up to see Jeydon reading his cup as well.

"Mine says, 'ever!' with a heart next to it." Jeydon said, staring at the cup.

I blushed and began sinking into my seat. Did we really look like a couple? Jeydon must have noticed my blush because the corner of his lip curved as he looked at me. "You embarrassed to be thought of as my girlfriend?"

I giggled. "Well are you embarrased to be thought of as my boyfriend?"

He stared at me as if he were in deep thought. "No." He said. "You're beautiful. You're kind. Any guy would be lucky to be your boyfriend."

I felt my cheeks burning. "Well any girl would be lucky to be your girlfriend."

He raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Why? You're fully equiped with great hair. Any girl would die for your pretty blue eyes. You've got the cutest smile. And you're so sweet to Kate! Who wouldn't want to date you?"

He smiled at the ground then looked into my eyes. "Thanks. You know, I would've thought people would only like me for my popularity. At least my ex did."

I sipped my frapp and set it down. "Go ahead, tell me. Just pretend I'm Dr. Phill."

He chuckled and picked up his drink. "I'll tell you on our walk home." I followed him to the front door. He opened it and stepped aside. "Ladies first." He smirked. I shook my head, laughing as I walked out the door with Jeydon following right behind me.

On the walk home he told me all about his ex girlfriend, Elizabeth. She only wanted him for his popularity. She would never date someone who was unpopular. Elizabeth tried changing Jeydon and forcing him to get a haircut and dye his hair blonde. He told me about how she would never eat lunch with him if he were sitting with his unpopular friends. She seemed like any other prep in my old school.

I loved talking to Jeydon. We could literally talk for hours without getting bored. I loved how he could tell me anything and I could do the same to him. And the best part was I've only known him for a short amount of time but it felt like years.

"I can tell you everything. Not like Max or any of my other friends. They'd probably just tease me if I told them about my feelings." Jeydon told me. It made me feel as if I were floating on a cloud knowing he felt so close to me.

I crept into my bedroom and layed on my bed staring at the ceiling. I still wasn't tired so I pulled out my iPod and played Fallin For You by Colbie Caillat. I layed on my side, staring at the window as the song played into my ears. As I listened to the lyrics, all I could think about was Jeydon.


Hope you liked! So sorry I haven't uploaded in quite some time. Been busy :P

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Love you! xoxox


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