"Go ahead!" He closed the window.

"Yeysh!" she threw the bat at the door and walked around. There's a hidden door on the floor. Leading it to the kitchen. She entered inside and grabbed her luggage then quietly close the door. Fixing her hair as she walked to the couch then walked upstair opening the room, "Yah.."

       His eyes widened and looked around, "YAH! How did you get in here?!"

       "Its my house I know the ways.." She smirked, "Unlike you.. Get out this is my room I'm sleeping here.."

       He pushed her by the head then lock his room. Tzuyu glared at the door and continously banging it, "Its my room!" she took a deep breath and went back downstairs sitting on the couch writing and typing to the laptop. She grabbed something on the printer and head back upstairs, "Hey! Open the door.."

Jungkook covered his head with a pillow and blanket then continue his sleeping. "Yah! Open the door let's finish this!" she yelled. He sit up and glare to the door then stood up and walk to, "What?"

"Let's finish this problem.."

He opened the door. She entered to the room without permission and sit on the couch, "Sign this.." slamming the paper onto the table. He creased his forehead, "Sign what?"

She smirked, "A contract.."

His triggered to her and crossed his arm, "How about a No?"

"How about you leave my house then?"

"This is my house now.. It was on sell when I bought it.. So don't come at me cause I have a lawyer came with me to buy this.."

"How retarded is your lawyer? Not knowing this house is not on sale? and Not finding out who actually owns this? Hah! I can sue you all for this.."

"Yah.. Even if you go to the police or realtor, you wont find a piece of your name in there.." He rolled his eyes and dragged her out of the room, "Get out I need to sleep.. It's 3 in the morning!"

"So? We can do this all day! Sign it!"

He made a tsking sound and look at the paper, "Make a deal? Yeah sure deal.."

"Ahahaha.." She faked laughed, "How funny.. sign it.."

"Not unless we make a deal.."

She crossed her arm and raised her eyebrow, "What deal?"

"1 deal for each of us.."

She creased her forehead, "What?" then smirked, "There's only one deal I can make.."


"My room.." She pointed to the floor and smirked, "Can't change it.. Its a deal.."

He nod his head, "My rules.." he signed the paper. Her jaw dropped and looked at him badly, "That's not—"

"Epp— Its a contract saying you and I can stay here together.. But you made a deal so I'll give you this room.. But I'll make the rules.." He threw her the paper, "Now get out.."

"This is my—"

"My first rule is don't ever ever bother me now get out!" He pointed to the door. She gave him a bad look then smirked, "You punk ass.." then leave going back downstairs.


Jungkook heard a loud sound dropping on the floor that woke him up. He found Tzuyu taking all the clothes off in his walk-in closet, "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Starting to get rid of trash?" She put them on the box, "Just because I was gone for two years someone could invade my room like this.. I am not letting this.." shaking her head. He stood up and grabbed her arm, "Yah! You crazy—My second rule don't touch my stuff.."

She just gave him a glare and continue what she's doing. He runned to her bag and grabbed it then take the scissor, "I can play along.."

Her eyes widened, "I am not breaking your stuff Im just taking it off!"

"You break the rules I break your stuff or get out of the house.." He threatened her, "I don't go easy on people so becareful how you treat me.."

She glared at him and dropped the clothes, "Let go of my stuff! And move out of my room.. There's a room downstairs.."

"Don't-Touch-My-Stuff while Im gone.." He gave her a scary look then grabbed his clothes then head to the bathroom. Tzuyu crossed her arm and walked out holding her luggage and bag, "Acting like he owns the house.. Tss.. I could smash his head while he's asleep, matter fact I should've done it!"

She looked at upstairs as the doors open, "There's goes the king.. Tsss.." rolling her eyes to the TV, "I hope you trip.."

Jungkook looked at her then rolled his eyes to the door. He grabbed his car key and stepped out of the house. Tzuyu flipped her hair and walked upstairs then grabbed all his clothes putting them into one box. She also take out his pictures and other designs to the other room then design her bedroom to old ways, "There! Perfect!"

Oh my stranger! ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now