CHAPTER 9: Not What You Think

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After Brooke had gone into the spare bedroom and everyone else had gone off to bed, I was pissed off that someone had broke into her place. So I decided to head over there tonight and try to see who exactly it was.

As soon as I opened up the door, it looked like a twister came and threw everything around.

I find it weird and odd that there wasn't anything stolen. Which as far as I know, any kid or teenager would'be taken things. No, this looked more like they were looking for something in particular.

I walked around the house after turning on a few lights and after almost an hour, I found a black box underneath her bed.

I grabbed it, sat down on her bed and opened it up.

"What the fuck?" I said out loud.

I saw a Social Security Card with the name, Jasmine Hauser along with a birth certificate that had the same name on it. Then, a death certificate? What the hell is going on? Is this her name? Her dead sister's name or something?

I look into the box again and see a picture that began to stir up anger and rage inside of me.

It was a picture of her and Drake? WHAT THE FUCK?!

She has a lot of explaining to do but I'm gonna have to first do some research on how she knows him.


After everyone had woken up and Paige left with Brooke to go to school, I spoke with Frank and Angela about what I found.

"What the hell were you doing over there?!" Angela yells at me.

"I wanted to see if I could find out who did it. Then I found this box filled with this shit!" I snap at her.

"Nate, before we jump to conclusions, we should find out information and dig deeper for more evidence to support what you're accusing her of. Cause we have to be sure." Frank suggests.

"Fine!" I fire back.

"Wait!" Angela says.

"What?" I ask her.

"There's no need to look her up. You wont find any information on Brooke." She says.

"What do you know?" I ask.

"It's not my story or place to tell. But I can assure you, it isn't what you think." She assures us and I have never seen Angela look like she was going to cry before, but that's exactly what it looked like she was going to do. "Just please, don't jump to conclusions and don't confront her that you know." She says before heading towards the guestroom that her and Frank are staying in.

"I need to know something about how she knows Drake and I need answers ASAP in case there are things I need to know such as, is he going to come and harm Paige?!?." I tell Frank.

"Okay." Frank says and starts texting our guys who does hacking and is good at finding anything and everything on people.

I don't know exactly what's going on but I do know that if she is associated with Drake, she will cause a war. A war that could get Paige killed and I refuse to let that happen.


A few days go by and I have ignored Brooke and avoided her as much as possible.

I finally get a text from one of my guys telling me everything about 'Brooke' and how SHE is Jasmine Hauser. She was dating Drake and there isn't much else on her really.

I wish there was more, however, I feel I had enough just knowing that she dated that douche. What if she is still with him and is trying to trap me? What if he sent her to get close to Paige so she can befriend her and then take her away just to get to me. Which yeah, that's not going to happen.

After Paige is dropped off, I ask her where Brooke went.

"She said she had to get a few more things from her house." Paige says.

"Okay. Well, why don't you start your homework and I will go and grab us all some dinner." I tell her. Which of course I was really going to see Brooke but didn't want to tell her so that she would accidentally tell Angela who would be pissed off at me for saying anything to Brooke. However, I need to know.

When I arrive, I walked inside and looked around and heard some rustling coming from her bedroom.

I walk over to the doorway and notice her looking under bed and then quickly looking at a few other places. I knew she was looking for the box.

"Looking for this?" I asked while holding up all the things she had in the box.

She turned around after being startled and looked terrified.

"Oh my gosh. You scared the shit out if me." She replies and then looks at what I have in my hand.

"Were you expecting someone else? Or afraid?" I asked her.

"No. But, how did you get those papers?" She asks me while trying to pretend that it doesn't bother her.

"Because you are Paige's favorite teacher and she loves and respects you, I'm going to say this once. I want you to stay away from Paige. You are not to hang out with her outside of school. She doesn't need to be put in any danger. And you can tell Drake that I'm going to kill him." I tell her while trying to hold my rage in.

"But you don't understand. You see, I...." she started but I didn't want to hear anything about it.

"I don't care. You have put Paige's life in danger." I tell her.

"Really? Me? You're the one who is the president of a bikers club. Talk about making Paige a target." She snaps at me.

"Yeah well she's a lot safer with me. Especially when there's a chance that Drake could get her!" I tell her.

I throw the papers and everything onto the floor.

"Please just let me explain." She had begged in tears.

I just left and closed the door behind me. I couldn't believe I had ever felt sorry for her and for a moment thought she was nice even.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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