CHAPTER 2: Introductions.....

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I feel terrible. Paige's parents befriended me right away when I was new here and they didn't ask too many questions, which I liked and we had become very close and best friends. So losing them has made me feel sick to my stomach and I have spent most of the last couple of days crying so hard. Not just cause of the loss but, I know how Paige must be feeling. She's so young.

Today was the day of the funeral and until Paige's uncle comes into town, I was having her stay at my house.

My heart broke as I looked at Paige sitting on the couch in her dress and curled hair with her feet barely touching the ground and is looking down at her hands as they are folded on her lap.

I walk over to her and crouch down while holding her hands with mine.

"You look very pretty." I tell her.

"Thanks." She replies while still looking down at her hands.

"How ya feelin'?" I ask her.

"I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I promise that everything is gonna be okay. And no matter what you are feeling right now just remember, that it is OK to feel it." I assure her.

"Thank you." She says with half a smile.

"Come on. Let's start heading over." I tell her as I stood up and she held my hand as we began to walk out towards a car that I had rented since I knew I was going to be a huge mess and too emotional to drive.

As soon as we get in and the driver begins driving, Paige asks me, "Where's my uncle?"

"I'm sure he is waiting for us right now." I assure her. Though I have no idea. So I text my friend whom I had go and make sure everything was set up perfectly while I took care of Paige.

Once we arrived, we got out, shook hands and greeted everyone and everyone was trying to hold in their tears when seeing Paige.

We all sat down and she would look around occasionally for I'm assuming her uncle. Though she couldn't see him.

After the reverend was finished talking and others stood up to say something nice about both her parents, we all began to walk out of the church and still, Paige was looking for Deuce and didn't see him.

Which that really had made me upset. Cause from what I heard they were close and for him not to show up for this was rude and inexcusable. I was pissed a little bit. But I didn't let her know that of course.

So we headed back towards Paige's parents house to have a gathering and as soon as we had pulled up to the house we saw several motorcycles parked in the driveway and in front on the curb as well.

Right as soon as we got out, the front door had opened up and out came who at first, I thought was her uncle as she excitedly ran up to a man.

As I started walking towards them, I heard her call him, uncle Frank. Which threw me off a bit seeing as to how I thought her uncle's name was Deuce.

Then after they hugged, I saw a friend of mine that I haven't seen in a while. They were both hugging Paige and as soon as they set her down, Angela looked at me.

"Angela?" I asked her.

"Oh my god, Brooke?" She asks smiling.

We hugged each other so tight.

"Oh my god, it's so good to see you. I have been so worried about you since you left." She said.

"I know. I had to leave. But we'll talk about it later." I assure her.

"So this is Brooke?!" Frank says teasingly.

"Yep." Angela replies. "Brooke, this is Frank, my man and Frank, this is my really good friend, Brooke." She introduces as as we shake hands and say hi to each other.

"Munchkin?!" We heard some husky male voice say from inside the house and behind Angela and Frank.

"Uncle Deuce!!" Paige excitedly says as she runs towards him, wraps her arms around his neck and he pucks her up and holds her tightly as they spin a little bit.

"How's my little munchkin?" He says to her.

I know this might be bad to say this, but her uncle is hot as hell.

As soon as they begin talking and right about the time when Angela was gonna introduce us, that's when everybody begins to arrive and I decide to take the 'hostess' role on.

A little over an hour into everything and after talking to several people and also making sure Paige was okay, I couldn't stop looking every now and then over at Deuce. He was hot and it was hard not to look. However, also, at the same time, I needed to remind myself that he was a biker and the president of a bikers club and everything. Which I of course wanted no part of.

Angela and I caught up with each other and I talked to her about why I left and why I haven't stayed in contact with her for the past couple of years.

I grabbed the first trash bag of many more to come, I was sure and headed out to the side of the house to take the trash out.

As I turned the corner, I saw a guy smoking a cigarette while leaning back against the wall with his foot against the wall also. I knew it was Deuce.

I had heard about how Deuce was so I took in a deep breath and let it out before continuing walking over to the trash can and tried not to be upset about him not showing up for the funeral.

I opened the lid and set it in the can and wasn't sure what to say so I turned back around and was about to walk away to avoid any awkwardness.

"So you're the teacher?" He asks in an annoying demeanor.

"Yep. That's me." I turn back around to face him.

"You don't look like a teacher." He says as he takes another drag from his cigarette.

"And what exactly does a teacher look like?" I ask him irritated.

He looks at me and takes a final drag from his cigarette and then puts it out by stepping on it and leaving it on the ground.

"Forget it." He replies.

"You're gonna pick that up right?" I ask him.

"Pff. This isn't your house." He snaps at me.

"Damn, you are really rude." I fire back at him.

"How the hell am I being rude?" He asks.

"For starters, you leaving your cigarette butts on the ground and then to top it off, you weren't there at the funeral in the church, sitting next to her and comforting her. She was asking about you and..." I was interrupted by him and then walks towards me until he has me cornered against the wall with a hand on one side of the wall.

"First of all, this isn't your house, so you don't tell me what to do and also, I was there, I just was in the back. I didn't see Paige. And just cause you're her teacher doesn't mean she needs you trying to play mommy and everything." He says.

Then before I could say anything else, Angela had luckily interrupted us and told me that Paige was looking for me.

I left to go and find Paige before I started to cry so I didn't give him the satisfaction of him thinking he hurt me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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