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EVERYONE WAS IN WITH BRUCE AFTER THE FIGHT. Everyone seemed upset after what happened with Clark, especially Arthur. I sat in a chair with leg propped up against a box with a cloth over my knee. I took my mask off which rested on top on my hair and my red lipstick was smudged.

Arthur threw something against the wall, which made Bruce comment, "Please, don't do that."

Arthur let out a sigh, "We just got our asses handed to us and Steppenwolf has the third box."

Diana sharpened her sword as Arthur paced nervously, "We'll find them, if the boxes are close to each other there is going to be some kind of energy search."

Victor came out with his jacket on, "Steppenwolf is going to be keeping them somewhere where they don't have internet or satellite coverage."

I leaned against the wall, "There are thousands of places out there like that. How do we know which one it is."

Arthur stopped pacing the room, "So, we can't find them or you don't want to?"

Victor has a spasm of control, "Arthur," Bruce warned.

"Yeah, that was a great way to get rid of Superman," he commented distastefully.

"Man, I'm not doing this on purpose," Victor said pleadingly.

"Right, 'cause you can't control a machine." Arthur turned his back on Victor leaving him with a pained expression.

The room went quiet before Barry spoke, "Uh, is this a bad time to bring up my blood sugar?" Barry asked awkwardly.

"Is no one going to mention the fact that he pulled a Tonya Harding on me, and I might not be able to do anything?" I asked looking around at everyone, who still looked upset.

Diana walked over to Victor and told him something only they could hear, "Barry, go find Alfred in the pantry and go check everybody's work when you come back."

I sat still watching Victor trying to locate where the Mother Boxes could be. His eyes were focused on the hologram replicating the Earth, Barry had left to get something in the pantry. I sat staring at the orange hologram feeling useless.

How was I going to stop Steppenwolf if my knee was bashed? No one here had any technology to make it heal quicker, at least that I knew. I pulled back the cloth on my knee and saw a mix black and blue, the bruise got bigger and it felt more painful. I placed the cloth right back over it.

Victor noticed immediately, "You alright?" he asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, just keep doing what you're doing."

Victor focused his eyes back on the globe, I kept staring at my knee, wanting to cry. I had gotten this far only to have to stand down from the fight. I looked back the wound and took off my bracelet and snapped it into the baton. Victor's eyes quickly shifted over to me.

"Esmeralda, what are you doing?" he asked.

I looked up at him, "None of your business," I answered, "Ahora, mira tu pequeno holograma, antes de golpearte con este baton." (Now, look at your little hologram before I hurt you with this baton.)

Victor raised his hands in protest, "Okay, I'm glad I understood that."

I smiled at him and moved my leg onto the ground. I winced in pain as I managed to get up, relying on my baton so I wouldn't fall. I slowly stood up, putting weight on my knee. I managed to get up and my knee was slightly bent.

I tried taking a step forward my balance went against me and I stumbled onto the ground. Victor quickly picked me up and sat me on top of where I was sitting before. I gave a death glare as she crossed his arms.

"Are you crazy?" he asked, "Your knee hasn't fully healed, you could have done more damage."

I rolled my eyes, "I know that but I'm not going to back down just because Superman decided to bash knee with my baton!"

Bruce and Diana walked into the room with confused looks on their faces, "What is going on?" Diana asked.

"She tried getting up and walking but she fell," Victor answered.

"Esmeralda, you can't do that," Bruce warned.

"I know, I know!" I answered, "How am I going to fight if I can't even get up and walk?" I felt my chest heaving with anger, I wanted to cry out and scream but I bit the inside of my cheek to stop me from doing so. "I'm helpless now, this will heal in two or three weeks but we don't have that amount of time!"

"Esmeralda," Diana spoke, "You need to take it easy. If you don't you can cause more damage than expected."

"How am I going to fight?" I asked turning my head to look at her, "Am I just supposed to sit here and watch? Can I get like an iron knee or something?"

Everyone looked at each other, having no clue what to say or do. The room was silent before Victor spoke up, "I think I can help."

I looked up at him with hope in my eyes, "How?"

He shifted his eyes to everyone, "I might be able to make a device that can stabilize your knee, only temporarily, though."

"Might?" I asked, "Do whatever you can as long as I can go out there and fight."

In the next few minutes, I underestimated Victor. He managed to make a small device that would stabilize my knee for a certain amount of time. It was a small metal plate that attached to my skin through small needles. I doubted it at first but when I got up, I felt overwhelming joy.

I didn't feel any of the pain I did before, "Victor, I'm so happy I could kiss you!"

"Please don't." He commented.

I would be able to fight again and as soon as this all blew over, I'd go to an actual doctor.

"Let's go this show on the road."

thank you all for 4K!

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