What Are These Feelings?

Start from the beginning

Raina thought about his plan. It made sense, but how could only the two of them do it?

"And you and I will be the only teachers?" She asked.

Luke nodded. "In time students will become knights and be able to help us in teaching as well."

Raina nodded. "I know it's a lot, but I feel that we can't wait any longer. I promised to pass on what I learned which I have, but not to the extent in which Master Yoda meant."

"I understand and I will support you." She assured him.

He released a breath he hadn't known he was holding and smiled.

"Thank you. Now, to choose who to accept." He said looking over at the small stack of applications.

Raina stood and looked through them briefly. She counted nine applications. "Why not accept them all?" She asked.

Luke stood and walked over to her. "You would be willing to teach them all?" He asked in surprise.

She looked at the papers and nodded. "As long as they are willing to learn and had the ability then why not?"

Luke smiled widely and hugged her. She laughed.

"Thank you!" He exclaimed.

She smiled and laughed. "Your welcome."

She pulled away from his grasp. "Now, I suppose we should prepare for our new students. I'll begin working on their rooms."

"There will be five males and four females." He told her. She nodded. "Got it."

Over the next few days Raina began getting four rooms ready for the new students. She gave the largest room to whichever three boys who would be have to room together.

With Jacen's help she cleared out the old furniture and cleaned the whole room. She then added any new furniture and decor. She remembered to keep it simple since Jedi who were in training were not supposed to have too much decor. They were to learn to be humble servants of the galaxy.

After Raina had finished working on the rooms she began helping Luke work on the class rooms.

Finally after about two weeks everything was ready. The new students would be arriving that day. Luke had made a schedule for both him and Raina to follow and gave it to her.

Raina sat in her room reading it.
7:30am-8am : Breakfast
8am-9:30am : Meditation - Master Skywalker
9:30am-11am : Levitation - Master Starlight
11am-12am: Jedi Behavior and Galactic Languages - Master Starlight
12pm-12:30pm : Lunch
12:30pm-2:00pm : Jedi History and Galactic Studies - Master Skywalker
2:00pm-3:30pm : Lightsaber Training
- Master Skywalker and Master Starlight
Luke had talked to her about what classes she wanted to teach. She was very grateful he had asked her before assigning them himself. Just then Jacen came and knocked on her door. She opened it.

"The new students are here. They just arrived. Master Skywalker sent me to tell you." Raina nodded and thanked him.

She and Jacen walked down to the main hall and through the doors. She and Jacen met Luke who was already standing at the top of the stone stairs waiting for the students. Artoo obediently rolled over next to Luke. Raina walked over and stood on the other side of him.

"Ready?" Luke whispered to her.

Raina looked at him and nodded.

She turned back to see the students walking up the stairs in awe. She felt a small smile grow on her lips. Soon the nine apprentices came to stand in front of them. Luke stepped forward.

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Where stories live. Discover now