Missing Detective

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No triggers this chapter, just some good old build up to some major things to come.


Liv silenced her alarm. Normally, she'd go through one or two snoozes before getting up, but she couldn't stop thinking about Amanda. She hadn't called or text since yesterday, so Liv didn't even know if she was coming into work today or not - she had tried her cell last night but it went straight to answer machine.

She quickly got up and got dressed, did her hair and makeup, and then made Noah and herself some breakfast - she wanted to spend time with her son, she'd been so wrapped up in the latest cases at SVU that she felt she missed him, even though they lived in the same house.

After they'd eaten, she helped Noah brush his teeth and get dressed and had a full 30 minutes before Lucy would arrive and she would leave. Liv wondered what to do with this strange extra time that she only found on rare occasions, she decided she would call Amanda to see if she was coming in.

The phone went straight to answer machine again, so Amanda either had her phone off or had no service. Since the latter was almost impossible in New York, her thoughts began to wonder as to why Amanda might have her phone off... Was she in trouble? Had she been mugged? Did it go flat? Or maybe she just wanted to be left alone? Since none of these explanations helped Liv to move past the issue, she tried something else.

"Detective Amaro speaking." Nick said hoarsely into the phone, he still sounded as bad as he did the week before.

"Hey Nick, it's Olivia, how you feeling?" She was relieved that someone had finally picked up the phone.

"Yeah I'm feeling better actually," he was interrupted by his own coughing, "what's up?"

"You haven't by any chance spoken to Rollins in the past two days have you?" Liv got straight to the point.

"No I haven't," Nick replied cautiously, "is everything okay?"

"Well see that's it, I don't know. She had a panic attack at work yesterday so I sent her home, but when I looked out of my office window I could see her sat reading a pink piece of paper on a bench in the street. I told her to let me know if she was coming into work today but she hasn't called, and I haven't been able to get hold of her..."

"Shit Liv that's not good, she's been acting pretty strange lately... What was the panic attack about?"

"I don't know. She passed out and when she came to she threw up, claimed that she caught something off you."

"I see, well I'm feeling a lot better today so I'll meet you at the precinct and we can try to get hold of her there, does that sound like a plan?" Nick could hear in Liv's voice that she was worried, so wanted to make it look like he had a plan so she might feel more relaxed.

"Yeah sounds good, I'll see you there." She hung up the phone and gave a sigh as she watch Noah playing with some of his toys on the floor. She knew Nick's plan wouldn't work, she'd already tried calling and that hadn't gotten them anywhere. Her train of thought was disturbed by a knock at the door, Lucy was early. Liv had an idea.

"Hey Lucy, how're you? Listen, I've got a couple of errands to run before I go to work today, do you mind me leaving now?" She spoke softly.

"Yeah that's fine," she said making her way over to Noah, "Noah! Guess who's here?" Lucy teased as she picked him up from the floor, "see you later on." She turned back to Liv.

"Thank you so much," she said before giving Noah a kiss on his forehead, "see you later sweetie." She said, before grabbing her cell, keys and bag off the counter and leaving the apartment. She got in the car and headed straight for Amanda's.

When she got there, she knocked on the door once or twice before waiting, but there didn't seem to be any noise coming from the apartment. She knocked harder, "Amanda? Amanda are you in there?"

She suddenly heard a growl, followed by a series of barks and scratching at the door. Frannie. When she heard Amanda's dog but not her, she began to worry. Had Amanda hurt herself and was unable to respond? Before heading off down another useless line of 'what ifs', she remembered that Amanda had given her a spare key. When she had gone down to Atlanta last to deal with her family, she had asked Liv to take care of Frannie and had given her the spare key, but had obviously forgotten to ask for it back.

Liv flipped through the keys on her key ring until she found the one for Amanda's apartment, she unlocked the door and entered slowly. Frannie immediately met her, jumping up at her knees and running around frantically. She headed towards and then sat down by her dog bowl, which Liv noticed was empty.

This wouldn't normally be a cause for concern, but Liv could name a handful of times where Amanda had come into work late because of having to get more dog food for Frannie. She was aware that Amanda liked to feed her just before she went to work in the morning so she would never go hungry. Since Amanda was clearly not in the apartment, she wondered why Frannie seemed to not have any food, if Amanda was coming to work today then surely she would've fed Frannie already?

She rang Fin, he picked up almost instantly.

"Liv? Where you at?"

"I'm at Amanda's apartment, it doesn't look like she's been here this morning... You?"

"I'm at the parking lot opposite the office, some old lady called the cops this morning when she saw a car with the key in the door, and a woman's bag on the floor by the car... Liv... it's Amanda's car." Fin finished. He knew that last line would send Liv over the edge of worry.

"Fin when was it called in?"

"About 7 this morning, we're just getting the security tapes from the lot now."

"I'll be at the precinct in 5 Fin, meet me there." She hung up. She put food in Frannie's bowl and quickly locked the apartment again before practically running to her car, she gave herself a mental note to come back and feed Frannie tonight if there was still no sign of Amanda. She drove as fast as legally possible to the office, and was met by the worried faces of Detectives Tutuola and Amaro as she entered the squad room.

"You aren't gonna like this Liv." Fin said, as he hesitantly pressed play on the security footage on his laptop. Liv's face dropped in horror.

Lol, give us a review plz :) LemonadeJo

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