1. Girl all the bad guys want

Start from the beginning

"Dang, (Y/n)-chan! Hashirama-sensei was totally checking you out!" Kiba whisper-yelled to me.
I smirked as I snuggled into the hoodie.
"But I didn't like how Hidan was looking at you"
"Right me too" Kabuto spoke.

"What? Why?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
"Are you blind? He was basically undressing you with his eyes!"
Kiba said looking at me, then turning to Kabuto.

"Kiba-kun's right, I'm even surprised you didn't make out" Kabuto said, a disgusted expression on his face.

"What the hell, Kabuto?!" I said my expression now mirroring his
"That guy is totally into you, (Y/n)-chan" Shika spoke.
"Just like the half of this school" Kabuto said smirking.

I started laughing, highfiving my grey haired friend, even Shika and Kiba started laughing.

I shook my head after, turning to the front of the class just to see Hashirama-sensei quickly looking somewhere else than me. I smirked, guess my today's clothing got Hashi-sensei into the mood..

It actually makes sense wearing fishnets, booty shorts, crop top and with Hidan's huge hoodie I must look attractive.

Normally Botany classes with Hashirama-sensei would be boring but I guess this one is gonna be fun.

In the middle of the class, Naruto came bursting into room sweat all over him.

"Mr. Uzumaki?" Hashirama-sensei spoke with his eyebrows furrowed.

"E-Eh, sorry Hashirama-sensei, got lost on the path of life" he said quoting one of our senseis.

Me and Kiba bursted out laughing as Naruto grinned winking at us, he then came to sit in front of me.
"Sorry I kinda overslept" he said. scratching the back of his neck.
"Yeah, we figured that out" Kiba said chuckling.

Naruto then noticed my today's clothing
"(Y/n)-chan, when did you become part of the Akatsuki?" he asked.

"I'm not a part of it, I borrowed it from Hidan" I said pulling those oversized sleeves up.
"Hidan?!" he whisper-yelled looking at me wide-eyed.

I deadpanned.

"What's your problem with Hidan?! All of you don't like him" I huffed.

"(Y/n)-chan you know how he's-" he didn't get to finish his sentence when Hashirama-sensei cut him off.

"Everyone pay attention or you will get detention!"
he said with raised voice (hashi the rapper lol)
I leaned back in my chair, pulling my shirt down to reveal a part of my black push up bra.

Hashirama-sensei immediately looked away blushing
Me and Kiba quietly chuckled.

--timeskip to lunch--

We decided to eat outside today on the campus, because the less time we spend at school the happier we are. It's simple.

I was happily digging in my meal when few Akatsuki members passed us. Hidan with them.

"Still hot" he winked making me chuckle, his friend Deidara smirked checking me out as well.
Then they both got hit in their heads by Konan, my actual good friend.

I smiled softly at her as she did the same.

"You see, (Y/n)-chan, half of this school goes after you and the other after Konan-chan"
Kabuto laughed as I rolled my eyes smiling, well he was right.
"And after which one do you go?" I asked smirking at the grey haired man.

"Well.." he started, blush dusting his cheeks
"Well?" I pushed
"Ah. It's Konan-chan" he said looking away
"Aw how cute man" my smirk growing wide.

Kabuto chuckled awkwardly as he looked at Naruto who shrugged.
"And who do you like, (Y/n)-chan?" Kabuto asked.
"Well I-"

"Hello there"

I turned my head in the direction of that familiar voice.

"Morning, Madara-sensei" I said softly as he smirked making his way in the building.

A light blush was on my cheeks as I watched the retreating figure of my martial-arts sensei.

"No way, (Y/n)-chan!" Kabuto shouted, laughing .
"W-What?" I asked confused.

"You. Like. Madara-sensei?" he asked slowly.
"Um.." I looked at him blinking

"HA!" Kabuto said pointing at me
"You like him! Wow never thought you would"

"Well...." I trailed off, my crush on a certain sensei now obvious.
Kiba next to me smiled patting my shoulder.
"I think he likes you too, (Y/n)-chan" he said smirking.

"Oh just maybe" I smiled softly tracing random patterns on the school's grass.

I looked up to see Naruto, Shika and even Kabuto smiling at me.
"What?" I asked softly.

Naruto's smile grew as he whispered something to Shika and then to Kabuto, they both looked surprised.

Naruto then turned to me grinning
"Let's play matchmakers" he said
"What? Wait you can't just hook me up with my sensei!"

"Hope it's me"

I turned to see Jiraiya-sensei making kissy face.
"Ew Jiraiya-sensei!"
I shouted throwing the rest of my lunch at him.

Naruto died laughing while clinging to Shika.

Jiraiya-sensei only pouted as he made his way to school.

"Damn it!"
I signed flustrated, running my hand through my hair


Hello everyone, it's Neru-chan with a new story! Well, new.. it's a bit older but for ya'all it is new.
Hope you enjoyed


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