The Not-so-great evening

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Trigger Warnings- Realistic things happen. (And you get sick)

So First of all there was food. And lots of it. But not healthy diet food like I had at my parents, and not the fast food I practically lived off of at the group. Real, homemade, good food. I'd never had any before.

The house was messily decorated, like someone had enjoyed themselves thoroughly by throwing multicolored streamers across the walls and hastily sticking them up with scotch tape.

And finally, the people who had done so much for me these past few days, were standing around the open-plotted house. I could see Chara's head turned in my direction over the back of the couch, and Toriel, Undyne, and Papyrus's heads over the top of the old-fashioned swinging saloon doors to the kitchen. There was some thumping coming from the stairs and I turned to see my first friend.

"Azzy!" I called as he came into view, and several people started making their way towards me. "Guys.. What is all this?" I asked. I could feel the happy tears starting to form. "Well we figured you'd never had a happy little house party before." Chara answered. "And we thought we might give you a little treat!" Piped the happy voice I'd come to recognize as Frisk.

"Foods done!" I heard Papyrus call from the kitchen, and the three came out of the kitchen with a bucketload of Spaghetti and a pie. They set them all down on the table and Sans magicked a radio on. Everyone started dancing and eating and talking and laughing. I was starved, so I sat down to eat a bit before dancing. I had some spaghetti, and by then I couldn't resist a little dancing.

I saw Frisk twirling in elaborate ways, Chara and Sans breakdancing together, Mettaton doing some jazz moves, and Toriel and Asgore gliding in a waltz. All different, but somehow all in sync. I wasn't sure if I was up to breakdancing, so I went to do some tap with Mettaton.

After about half an hour of dancing, I realized that I was famished and some spaghetti wasn't gonna cut it. I went back to the table and ate a lot. Like probably more than I have ever singlehandedly eaten in my life. 

Actually, I think I'm gonna-

I ran to the nearest bathroom,  leaned over the toilet, and threw up. Papyrus's naturally caring nature had let him realize something was wrong. Him and Toriel were right behind me. Toriel held my hair back as I threw up again, and Papyrus started freaking out because he didn't know what was wrong.

By this time most everyone had gathered in the doorway.

I had tears in my eyes because my stomach hurt so much. There was a sour taste of stomach acid left in my mouth. I started to cry more heavily. Toriel pulled me in for a hug and I cried into her sweater.

I felt a bony hand on my shoulder, and I turned around to see Papyrus and Sans. "Would you like some water, human Y/n?" Papyrus asked, looking quite worried. I gave him a weak smile and nodded. "You okay kid?" I nodded again.

Alphys stepped forward, twitching nervously. "If she was starved at her house," she said "that would explain why her stomach had such a bad reaction. It's not used to this much food, so it threw it back up."

I was in pain and crying, but I was happy at the same time. Nobody had ever been there when I had gotten sick. My parents gave me the medicine, because legal reasons I guess, but nobody had ever made me soup or tucked me into my bed and let me sleep.

I realized how worn out I was from the whole day. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. Toriel turned to her children and, not unkindly, gave them orders. "Frisk, go get the PJs she wore last night, Azzy, get a blanket, and Ch- oh there you are Papyrus, thanks for the water- Chara get some fresh bandages, I think we should change them."

She turned to me and gave me a sad little smile. "You poor little thing, no wonder you're so tiny. " you heard a call in the voice of Asriel. "Mom! Come quick!"

You and Toriel got up and moved in the direction of the living room, where Asriel was, staring at the TV.

Someone had turned on the news, and on it, was a picture of your face, with the word "MISSING" right underneath it.

Muhaha~ my pretties. It seems as though your parents told some story to get you back. After all, they can't loose their biggest source of income.

(I know you all read that in a muffet voice)

Anyway, I've decided to shorten the chapter length a bit so I can get them out quicker.

Good day from you're definitely not favorite author!


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