The Worst Monday In The History Of Mondays Possibly Ever.

397 8 217

Thoughts are Italics.
Small A/Ns are in (parentheses)
Warning: there will be violence and a little gore in this chapter, proceed with caution. Thank you.

(Omg I spelled parentheses wrong the first time and it was autocorrected to Parent Hoses 😂)


You could not, however, do it all again the next day. It was Monday. The day when your obnoxious gymnastics trainer, Emma, came over. All day. In short, FRICKLE ITS MONDAY AND I HATE IT.

When you woke up, you put your "Monday Playlist" on.  You shoved your pink headphones on. Better pink than none.

The playlist consisted of a few songs like "Believer" and "I lived", and things like them that help get you going in the morning. It was time to get up, so naturally, your first instinct is to roll out of the bed onto the floor face first.

You actually have some ropes and monkey bars in your room for exercise purposes, but who would use them for that when you can literally swing from a rope in front of your bed to your closet? This is precisely what you did.

By now you had "Renegades" by X ambassadors blasting in your ears so you walked to the beat looking like a complete idiot because no one's watching.  Ahh.. The freedom of being alone.

The dumb, pink, and a little too revealing workout clothes were begrudgingly put on.

The sweet, lovely, oh so obnoxious sound of the doorbell echoed through the house. 

Must be miss "I never shut the frickle up".

You opened the door. On the other side was something you did not want to see. Emma.

Emma was so fricking annoying it wasn't even funny. She was the perfect child your parents wanted. Ombré hair that started black and became blonde with pastel pink highlights. Perfect tan skin. Perfect face shape. Flawless makeup. Soprano voice as high as a bell. Ugh. I can't even tell you how many times my parents have tried to make my voice sound like Emma's.

Her obnoxious food hole started to make noises of the stupid variety.

"Ok get your annoying butt to the gym room, and don't even do your 'I'm too tired right now' crap." Emma said. In truth, I was never actually tired, you just hated this. (#IntrovertSwag)

I got my annoying butt to the gym room.

Time for a long day of crap I don't want to do.

Alphys Pov. (Didn't see that coming, did you?)

I was in the kitchen of my dorm. Mettaton wouldnt be here until Friday. they (Metta acts closer to female in this fic but has no specific gender) had a song to record, so I was alone for now.

I was aloud to move in a week or so early because Toriel knew I often had a hard time settling in quickly.

Metta would get here on Friday because we were needed for a late audition. Asriel met her at that party the king and queen went to so they could spread word about the school. He saw her dance ballet, was about as graceful as a dying seal from what he said. However, she did save him from a flying wine bottle, and he said she could do other dances, so I guess it won't hurt if she tries out.

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