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Age 11

"Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki, you are all group 7. You will spend you middle school years in this group and it will not change." Sasuke glared at Naruto from across the table, only earning one in return from his blonde best friend. The pair looked away with wide smiles on their face.

The school had groups that all had something the other lacked, it was to create balance and promote growth. The groups would work together and help each other out, when on trips the groups would explore together, staying in their group of three. Whether they got along or not, this was how it would stay.

Sasuke and Naruto were the top and bottom of the class, rivals now. After Sasuke always showing Naruto up. The blond just wanting to be better than Sasuke.

Sakura Haruno, a girl with bubble gum pink hair and emerald green eyes, beautiful but belittled. She had a crush on the Sasuke stared at him lovingly, offering only him any kind of attention, causing Naruto to puff his rosy cheeks with jealousy. He was in love with Sakura, a sad sad love triangle, he hoped that he could improve and show her hes worth it.

Sasuke simply turned his head away from her view, and continued to listen to Iruka-Sensi.

"Your first assignment is a group project. You must get to know your team members and write an essay on them." Iruka-Sensi finished and handed out a piece of paper to each group with all the rules listed, with it, a folder, to keep all of their progress in it, they would have to decide who would be responsible of it.

"Okay class, start talking among each other and get to know your new group." Iruka finished and sat at his desk.

Eventually after a full lesson the class had a small part of their work done, most of their work for the first week would be homework.

"S-Sasuke, want to go out and get to know each other, just me and You?" She smiled brightly at him, Naruto's jealousy grew and he stood between them and looked at Sakura challengingly.

"Tch, it's a group project, we should all go out together and get to know each other."

Sakura glared at the blonde before turning around and crossing her arms, Sasuke chuckled at Naruto's obvious jealousy.

Naruto smiled triumphantly and looked at Sasuke, who smiled small with a blush, holding in his own jealousy.

"Ichiraku Ramen?" He smiled, scratching the back of his head, Sasuke nodded with a "hn" and small smile.

Sakura had noticed the pair at this point and blushed.

"Naruto." She mumbled it under her breath. "Okay, Ramen is fine with me!" She reluctantly agreed. Following behind the pair almost like a dog.

Sakura felt the strange connection between the pair, different from what she had seen before. She had never seen them talk to each other so much and never heard Sasuke laugh the way he did around the blond. This group project got very interesting. And Sakura didn't think Naruto was that bad after all.

This was the start of a beautiful friendship.


Again pls let me know of any mistakes or errors.


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