Liv's Concern

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Important: I rated this M as there will be upsetting/violent scenes ahead but I will give a warning at the start of each chapter.

Amanda trudged into the office, eyes fixed on the ground in front of her, she didn't even lift her gaze as she accidentally walked straight into Fin Tutuola who was stood at his desk looking through a case file.

"Oh... Sorry" she murmured, continuing to make her way to her own desk.

"No problem Manda, you good?" he replied cautiously, he could see she was distracted by something, but knew from previous experiences that trying to get Amanda to talk about her feelings was near impossible.

"Uh.. Yeah, I'm good", she answered hesitantly, still avoiding making eye contact. "Why'd you ask?"

"No reason, just makin conversation". Fin knew not to press further, if Amanda wanted to share her problems then she would come to him herself.

Amanda took her coat off and casually threw it over the back of her chair, before sitting awkwardly down and trying to busy herself with paperwork. She didn't know how to talk to the rest of the team, she didn't even know how to face the situation herself.

Just as she was settling into the Monday shift, Lieutenant Olivia Benson came swooping into the squad room. Her hair and makeup looked pristine and she had a black pant-suit with matching coloured heels that completed her clean work outfit. Her teacher in high school had always told her 'dress how you want feel' and she had lived by it since.

Olivia looked to Fin and Amanda as she walked in, smiling at Amanda who briefly looked up from her work, and giving Fin a glance and then looking towards her office.

"Tutuola, you got a minute?"

"Sure Liv, what's up?" He replied questioningly.

"My office", she had a serious tone, one which made Amanda look up from her work once more, as if to ask Fin 'what's that all about?'. She was met by a similar expression 'well we're about to find out' he seemed to say back. He got up out of his chair and walked into Lieutenant Benson's office.

"Hey Fin, take a seat."

"Liv, what's this about? If it's that low life claiming police brutality on me again, I might just give him something to report." Fin was referring to a child rapist they had arrested trying to flee the previous week, he had chased him and had to tackle him to the ground to stop him getting away.

"No Fin, it's actually to do with Amanda." Olivia could see Fin was trying to bring a light-hearted spin on to the situation, but she needed it to be serious and to the point.

"What about her?"

"Well, do you not think she's been acting a little strange lately? I don't think I've seen her like this before, do you know if anything's happened?"

Fin felt relieved, not that there seemed to be something wrong with Amanda, but because someone else had finally realised it too. "Yeah I've noticed she's been real strange lately, at the office she only seems to talk about cases, and I haven't seen her outside of work for at least a month. I've tried to find out what's up but you know how she is, she doesn't like to share anything with anyone unless she has to".

"I assumed that as you two were partners, she'd probably come to you if she had a major problem, but I'm worried that whatever it is, she's just keeping it to herself".

"I mean, you can have a word with her Liv, but I get the feeling she's just going to close up more, the more we ask. It's a tricky situation."

"No that's fine Fin, I know exactly what you're saying - but can you just keep an eye on her for me? I'm starting to get genuinely worried. She seems to be losing weight and I haven't seen her eat in the office for a while."

"Me either. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her - she's safe on my watch." Fin gave a slight sigh and got up from the chair and exited the room.

Liv gave Fin a small smile, appreciating the lightness he brought to such a serious moment. She genuinely was worried about Amanda, she definitely hadn't been herself recently and just couldn't seem to understand why. She knew that the Patton trial had hit her pretty hard, but that was over months ago. As far as she knew her sister was still off the grid - or at least she hadn't called Amanda or turned up on her doorstep as high as a kite. She too gave a slight sigh and then look at the papers scattered over her table.

The mail to the office had been delivered this morning before she had got in, there were a few addressed to her, one advertising a car wash service (she still didn't understand how these were coming to the station), and one addressed to Amanda. She got up from her own desk and walked over to Amanda's, placing the letter on the table.

"This came for you today Rollins." Liv was a bit surprised when Amanda jumped slightly at her presence.

"Oh right, um... Thanks Lieutenant," and she slid the letter into the front pocket of her jeans. She recognised the handwriting. She knew who it was. But why was he sending letters to her work?

She waited 10 minutes for everyone in the squad room to get back into their work, and then quietly left for the bathroom. Once in a cubicle, she put the lid down on the toilet and sat on top, pulling out the letter from her jeans. She carefully used her nail to tear across the top of the envelope, pulled a page of pink paper from inside, and began to read.

Lol, so this is my first book on Wattpad, please please please let me know what you think so far, let me know if the story needs to be at a faster pace or shorter/longer chapters.
Thanks :) LemonadeJo

What happened to Amanda? A Law & Order SVU FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora