Ant & Dec's Undercover Prank On Audrey Blanchard !

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She then left the studio, to join up at a Chicago Pizza place with her boyfriend.

Where they had a clumsy and stuttering waiter who apparently was a humongous fan of hers. He went to sing one of her songs at a karaoke stand but got 'electrocuted'. Audrey who was actually cheering on despite his flat singing, gasped in shock and ran up to him and then went to call an ambulance as Charlie said he was already phoning them. The "ambulance" came with Ant as one of the medics and drove Dec the electrocuted waiter away. She then said "I swear I've seen him somewhere before...".

Finally audition time came and there it was the reveal time. She acted out the monologue and sung the song. She then was asked to take a look at her script and read out the first word of every single line "Hey I'm Audrey Blanchard and this is my undercover prank by Ant and Dec." she gasps and her eyes glisten as she throws the script at them as she let's her back slide down the wall



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A/N : So who do you think the tweets are about ?

The reason for the double update : I didn't have time to upload last Saturday.

Also about the video Audrey made about Logan Paul. Do you think she would still try to be friends with him or do you think she's going to try and cut ties with him ?

What do you think will happen in the next chapter ?

I'll see you all next Saturday ! Bye, I love you all !

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