Near to Tears

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This is dedicated to the one who brought me, 'Near to Tears.' Thank you so much @Wimmer1356 for your amazing words which, despite the difference in style, were far more beautiful to me than any poetry that I could ever write.

I'm broken at the end of the battle,
I'm drowning in the edge of the water.
I'll never step into the danger,
I'm on the sidelines of the war.

They have told me to just embrace it,
"It's a gift you've been given, you must learn."
But how can you teach a coward courage?
How can you make them step out of the door?

Now I look on my past and I see it,
The words of Truth and Love
Truth that kept me fighting,
Love that made me need no more.

The joyous words from a stranger,
Praise that takes my mind from the slaughter.
Their love like the Babe in the Manger's,
Nearly brought me to my knees on the floor.

Their love brought me near to tears,
Their joy gave me a new hope.
My poems brought them near to tears,
But their words, they changed me so much more.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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