||Chapter 11|| Seokjin

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Seokjin POV
I saw his car driving away, I knew it was him.

[Y/N] wouldn't let me go visit her and I kept trying to go every night to see how she was doing. She was stubborn and wouldn't let me in.
Her mother was a delight and gave me a spare key.
Some days of the week I would bring her food. At first she refused, later on she gave in. She was craving, I joined in too, I love eating.
She told me Namjoon visited her, but she wasn't ready anymore to talk to him after the accident.
[Y/N] regretted not talking to him that night she told me. As I saw that she was overwhelmed, she was sitting crisscross with her left arm with a cast resting on her leg, on the carpet of her bedroom with her homework and a soft sad look on her face after talking about Namjoon, I offered her a break and taking her to get ice cream. She looked at me, she was going to refuse, after a long time of thinking she accepted my ice cream break.

"Jin?" [Y/N] asked me, silently.
"Yes?" I say concerned of what she was going to ask me.
"I know I shouldn't tell you this and I think it's unfair to Namjoon, but I can't lie to myself and I should've said this sooner... I blame all this on me, but I should tell you right now before it's too late" [Y/N] said.
I'm curious now.
"I like you. Like a lot" she looked at me as I stopped the car in front of her house.
We were here and I couldn't believe what she just said... she likes me.
"I know it's to lat-" she stops as I lean in to kiss her.
I kiss her slowly and bite her lip. She does the same, she has one hand on my right cheek, as I have my two hands on her face, cupping her cheeks.
[Y/N] slowly lets go. She looks at me and looks into my eyes with her beautiful sparkly eyes.
I kiss her cast for her left broken arm.
"I like you too" I say as I really meant it.
Before, I wanted to get back at Namjoon for not being their for me, but now .. with her in the car and confessing she likes me. For a time I didn't like her for taking my only brother away, but that day I ate her out behind the supermarket alley and took her virginity in the janitors closet, I was being the "playboy" that people called me, I didn't want to be that "playboy" people call me. I wanted to be better than that, I wanted to be better for myself and for her sake too.
I was being selfish of myself, instead of going forward... I went down.
In this car, right now with [Y/N], it was right and I felt it.

"I can't wait for that cast to come off" I say.
"Why?" She asks me with curiosity.
"I'm horny for you and I can't wait any longer anymore, that cast needs to come off..." I say as she gives me a look, a naughty one.
"You can have me ... right now if you want" she mumbles.
I start to lean towards her and grab her thigh as she opens the car door.
"But right now I'm tired and I want to go to sleep, thank you for tonight, goodnight" she says and gets out and runs back and gives me a peck on my lips.
"Not fair!" I exclaim.
[Y/N] looks back and smiles as she enters her house and disappears into the house.

I park my car and run upstairs to my bedroom. I laid in bed and started into the ceiling. I was about to close my eyes, as I heard my bedroom door open.
It was Namjoon.

Namjoon looks up at me as I stand up and ask him what's going on.
"I'm sorry" he says.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry that I stopped going to your games. I'm sorry for leaving you alone when I was supposed to be there for you. You needed me and I wasn't there for you. I'm so fucken sorry" he says and lets out a sigh. It's silent for a moment and I start to talk.
"Namjoon I hated when you left me for [Y/N], I mean you liked her and of course what guy is not going to pursue a girl he likes..." I paused, "but it went on for three years, I never saw you home, I saw you hanging out with her all the time, you never went to my games. I came home to a empty house....mom and dad are never home and you were the one that I was looking forward to going home to..." I stop, I couldn't go on.
"Seokjin" he says as he goes up to me and hugs me tight.
"I'm so happy that mom and dad adopted you, you're the best brother I could have ever asked for seokjin" he says.

Reminds me that I was a adoptive child indeed, my mom and dad found me in the streets. I was only ten and beat up on the streets. They took me to the hospital and took care of me. After a few weeks in the hospital, they told me that they were looking for someone to adopt and that they were having a hard time looking until they found me, they wanted to adopt me. I of course wanted to be with them, so I said yes. I met Namjoon and he instantly hugged me and I remember what he said, I will always remember... "BROTHER!" 10 year old Namjoon said.

"Im so fucken sorry, I will never leave you alone again, please forgive me, I'll do anything" he says as he lets go of me.
"I don't know Namjoon, three years of repay..." I say as I'm teasing him and I smirk.
"I forgive you but I will ask this. I need help getting back on the snowboarding team, can you talk to coach and see if he will let me in?" I ask.
"Totally can" he says and we hug once more as we haven't hugged in years.
"I missed you" I tell Namjoon.
"I missed you too bro" he says as we are both hugging each other.

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