||Chapter 14|| Y/N

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1 week until graduation


I was in class with the envelope in my hand. Ms.Kim gave it to me before I left the meeting. I was shocked! I couldn't believe it!

Getting out of the student council meeting, I seen Jenni around the corner of the hallway. I quickly hid the envelope. I remembered that I texted her to meet me after the meeting was over.
"[Y/N]!" She yelled out, looking at me smiling.
"Jenni! I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to buy a dress for graduation?" I asked her, she was startled.
"You haven't bought a dress!??" Jenni shocked her head.
"Disappointed [Y/N]!" She added.
"Hey! I don't have time! I have a bunch of stuff to do before graduation. I had time today soooo you wanna go?" I asked her, helplessly. I tugged on her shirt and started whining out 'please please please!'
"I mean I'm already here so.. yes, duhhhh! Let's go!" Jenni answered and started heading to the shopping centers they had in Seoul.
Jenni was the only one keeping me in a happy current mood ever since Jin stopped hanging around with me.
I heard he's going to Seoul University, where I was going, but earlier before I went up to Jenni, I got a envelope. It was from New York University, I got accepted. I had only a week to think about it ... only one week. I thought about talking to Jin before graduation, I had to.
I texted Jin.
Jin can we talk please, I texted.
He responded in seconds..
I have to talk you as well, he responded.
My attention goes on Jenni as she was grabbing my hand, leading me into this vintage boutique.
It took two hours to pick a dress but I finally found one. Jenni left right afterwards because her father kept bugging her to come home.
I decided to walk to Jin's house to talk to him.

I had my earphones in and then I saw him.
Jin was outside of his home on the steps. I took my earphones off and put them in my jean pocket.
"[Y/N]" he said softly.
"Jin" I nodded my head and sat next to him. There was a awkward silence, I kept looking at him I couldn't stop, he was beautiful.
"Is there something on my face? Other than beauty?" He asked me if he knew I was looking at him because of his beautiful face, I hate that he knows he is so beautiful.
"Ass" I told him and he let out a laugh.
"[Y/N] I need to tell you something" he talked so softly, he had a worried look. Something was going on.
"As you know my parents don't really hang around that much and I've told them that I got into Seoul University, they're happy but I'm not..." he kept looking down.
"Congrats... but why aren't you happy?" I asked  in a sincere way, I'm happy he got in, but why wasn't he?
"I don't want to go to Seoul, I got a another envelope today from Harvard Law and I'm going to accept" he then looked up at me.
"You said you weren't going to stay in Seoul so I decided that I want to go into Harvard Law, the one school I always wanted to go..." he kept talking and I kept listening, then I decided to tell him.
"Jin I lied to you when I said that I was going to move, I wasn't" he looked at me and his eyes were in shock and in a instant he looked sad.
"Wasn't?" he said.
"Yeah wasn't ... I got accepted into NYU" I thought about looking up at him but it was too hard.
"Wow, that's amazing, you always talked about NYU" he said. I continued talking.
"I lied to you that I was going to move, I was just scared to tell you the 'L' word" I said and laughing in my head.
"Love?" He asked confusingly.
"Yes, I can't say it that easily how you did. Jin I really do I just can't ... due to the history my parents had, I couldn't just say it out of the blue" Jin then hugged me as I felt tears down my cheeks.
"Jin please you're making it harder for me.. you are everything to me, so I'm happy you go into Harvard Law" I let go of Jin's hug, I looked at him with a smile.
"Do what you want and what you feel right Jin, you'll regret it later in life" I told him thinking that this was just a high school romance that later on in life I'll tell my grandchildren about it. I was probably going to regret the next words I was going to tell him, but he needs to do what he wants in life, instead of following me.
"Let's break up" I told him, and my heart ached of pain.
"[Y/N], you don't have to say I love you, please just stay with me... [Y/N] no..." he looked like he was going scream of pain like I was too.
"Jin, please know that you have a smart ass friend for help, and its not that I feel pressured saying the 'L' word it's just that I feel like I'm standing in the way, you to have your future" I kept looking forward and not at him.
He grabbed me and kissed me on the lips. Soft and tender lips on mine that I'll miss. He slowly put his hands on my hips and his thumbs kept circling my skin as he slowly kissed me and I didn't stop him, because I didn't want to.
He then picked me up and took me inside his home. No one was home, just him and I.
"Jin, we can't please.." I said as he was kissing my neck and I was holding my moan rising in my throat. He was taking it slow and then he stopped and held my hand and took me into his bedroom.
"You're not stopping me from my dreams [Y/N], you are the one dream that I won't want to wake up from because I love you" he said and I was quiet. I couldn't think at all because he kept touching me.
He looked at me for permission to go on, as I just nodded my head and he kept on going. Making love to me so soft and slowly.
"Jin?" I asked.
"Hmmm?" He answered.
"We will meet once again later in life" I told him.
"We can't stay together .. can't we?" He asked as he laid his head on my chest. I realized we can't, he was going to Harvard Law and I was certain I was going to NYU. We were going our own way, separate ways.
I meddled with his hair. Laying on his bed, both of us for the last time.
"We can't Jin" I told him as I realized that the three words wanted to come out.
This relationship lasted short, but it felt like years to me, sweet romantic years. It was a desperate need for me to be with him, but it came to an end.
"Jin, I love you. Remember that" I let it out finally as I kissed his forehead, he sat up and leaned towards me as he kissed me on the lips.
"I love you too" he said for the last time.
We stayed in bed that whole night, talking to each other.
Graduation Day

"[Y/N]!" My mom yelled out! I turned around and I couldn't believe who she was with.

Hello beauties! I know I don't update everyday, I know I'm such a lazy butt! I have school at the time and I was focusing more on school this week.
I will try to update more! Please give some feedback (comments) and show some love through votes!
Are y'all liking the story? I hope so! This story is coming to an end and I'll begin my second story soon!

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