||Chapter 9|| Y/N

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I saw my mom getting out of her car as I started getting close to home and Namjoon points her out, she yells out my name.
"[Y/N]!" She says with excitement as like she hasn't seen me in years, but it's been two weeks.
I get out the car and run over to her and squeeze her so hard she started to squeeze me hard to. I love her bear hugs.
"Momma I missed you! How was India?!?" I say.
"It was amazing, I had to go back to New York and work with Humans of New York, but It was lovely and I met a lot of people" she says and turns to Namjoon and bear hugs him too.
"I missed you too Namjoon! How's school tell me all about it!" She starts to walk away with Namjoon and the two start walking up the porch into the house and I saw a Jin's car parked behind my neighbors car, as he saw me he got out the car and ran to me and grabbed me.
"We need to talk please" he says as he's in a hurry.
"Jin, I have nothing to talk to you about please go home, my mom just came home and I want to be with her at the moment" I say tiredly.
"Look I need to talk about what's going on with us.." he says waiting for me to answer.
"I don't know Ji-" I got interrupted as Namjoon yells and walks outside.
"[Y/N]! Your mom wants you to-" he saw Jin.
"Jin what are you doing here? I thought I told you to go home? Didn't I?" He waited for a respond.
"I decided to come and talk to [Y/N], I need to talk to her.." he says.
"For what?" Namjoon looks confused as he looks at me to respond as why does Jin need to talk to me at this hour.
"Look Namjoon I don't need to explain to you ok? [Y/N] can you contact me later?" He says as Namjoon gives him a look to leave.
"No" I say.
"What? Why? C'mon [Y/N]! Is this seriously how it's going to be?" He says as he was surprised of my response.
"Jin leave! She doesn't want to talk to yo-" Namjoon was interrupted by Jin.
"Namjoon this is not your business so get the fuck out!" Jin says madly.
"What do you have to do with her at this hour!??" Namjoon questions him as look at Jin and give him a look to tell him to get out of here NOW before he says what he says and my face turns white.
"I've been fucking your dream girl and I want to ask her out! I LIKE HER NAMJOON AND ID-" Jin was interrupted by Namjoon's hand as it went through his face and got knocked to the floor.
"Asshole! Wtf were you thinking! You knew I liked her!!" Namjoon says as his face was plastered and my face turns even more white as I heard what Namjoon said.

"You like me? I thought Jin was joking around with that ... " I say surprised as I felt like the most stupidest person ever.

I had a flashback to when it was the Valentine's dance in 10th grade and no one asked me to dance because I was the new exchange student and I didn't know how to speak Korean. Everyone passed by me and even Jin who I had developed a crush on was dancing with Jiwoo and I was in the corner serving drinks.
A guy with the glasses came up to me and asked to dance with me, I refused as I told him I was busy serving punch.
He grabbed me by the hand and danced so funny and I started to dance like no one was there. People kept looking at us weirdly, but I didn't care I was having fun with this guy who I didn't know.
At the end of the dance I helped the janitor out with the drinks station and went on to grab my coat. I went outside and saw the guy who asked me to dance.
"Hey! I waited for you because I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Namjoon" he said shyly.
"Hi... I'm [Y/N], nice to dance with someone who is weird as me" I say smiling.
"Actually I already knew you, I was pretty mad at you when you first came to school because you bumped me into 2nd in our class... awkward haha..." he says awkwardly.
"Oh! So your the mysterious person who puts sticky notes on my locker saying that how I'm so smart?!" I say excitedly.
"Yes I'm your sticky note mystery person haha" he says laughing.
"Well nice to meet you Namjoon, it's finally nice to meet someone who is smart and cute as you!" I wink at him and give him a hug. My mom was waiting in the car and I start walking to my mom's car and wave him bye as he waved back.
"Oooo who is that? Your new boyfriend?" She says in a low voice.
"MOM NO! I just met the guy! Plus I think I just found my competitor & soulmate haha" I say as I winked at her and she started laughing and my mother started talking how some Korean guy tried to get at her and I wasn't listening for a second as I thought about Namjoon and how he was brave enough to dance with me.

I thought about that night and how much Namjoon made me feel that night. He was such a amazing person and danced with me, the stranger who doesn't speak Korean.
"Namjoon ... I -" he started to walk away and left inside his car.
"NAMJOON !!!" I yell feeling heartbroken.
I feel like the stupidest person in the world not knowing what he felt for me and feeling bad.

Namjoon was my person, my best friend, my other half.... I need to talk to him.
As I started to run after him, I saw a car coming at the end of the street fast enough to hit me.
Before I knew it I was in the ground feeling numb and all I saw was Jin on the phone and Namjoon panicking and tried to wake me up, but my sight went pitch black.

I felt death coming to me.

YIKES! I hope you guys liked this chapter as I don't know yet if I'll update tomorrow.
Any feedback is welcome and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Bye :)
- I

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