Chapter 1

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The story will be mostly seen through the eyes of Raiden, a monster hunter.

"Raiden, won't you join us for a drink?" The deep voice from some hunters I helped asked.

"No, I'm ok..." I responded, they weren't that bad at hunting but they weren't as good as my old hunting partner called Oka. Oka, one of the only autistic hunters, she is very good at her job but definitely has her own way of doing things... As all autistic people... Me... I'm nicknamed the aspie Hunter because of my asperger's syndrome and Oka, the autistic hunter... I thought as I continued to tinker with my prototype, I called it the thunder mk 12, it was a bowgun that instead of using the bow design it used gunpowder to shoot and was small enough to use in one hand, most people said that the slinger was more useful but a slinger has to use good ammo to work well while the mk 12 could use any small ammo and still be able to make even a deviljho flinch... If aimed correctly...

"Well I guess I better see what new gear I can make, this barroth armor is not cutting it... Or should I say getting cut up." I joked as I walked to the work shop.

"Oh, hey Raiden! Come for gear or jobs? We got more jobs than a deviljho eats!" I heard the head smith, Hark joke.

"I'll take a full set of Nargacuga and a handful of jobs to go thanks..." I told him as I checked my gunpowder supply.

"That set will take... At least a week and any quests in mind?" Hark asked while jotting down something on paper.

"Any good payment or time wasting?" I asked in a bored tone as I put my small barrel of gunpowder back on my belt.

"The highest paying is egg delivery and the most time wasting is golden fish..." Hark said the last part with a sigh.

"No way am I doing another golden fish delivery quest! Wait, egg delivery is paying the most? Rather you have all bad quests or there's a catch." I waited as Hark looked through a pile of quests quickly.

"We have hunting quests but the pay isn't as much and the eggs are from a G-rank Rathas and there have been an unconfirmed report of deviljho... But I heard the parents are often attacked so if your lucky you can just run for it." Hark explained.

"Fine... I'll take it..." I muttered loud enough for him to hear.

I signed the quest paper and left to go prepare, the quest location wasn't to far away so I should be able to walk.
"Deviljho... Damn hate those things..."

"Hey! Are you Raiden? My uncle, Toby told me you could help me learn to be a hunter." A short girl with ocean blue eyes and brown long hair said between breaths.

Toby, the speed hunter. They're well known by the locals for his inhuman speed, he would tag along with me and Oka on occasion. "You got the right guy but I don't teach." I said plainly.

"Please! Just give me a chance! I'm really good at taking orders!" She begged.


"Just let me come along with you so I can at least take notes!" She begged this time more desperate.

"... You really want to come along?..." I sighed.


"What weapon do you use?" I asked knowing I would be stuck with her awhile.

"... Great sword..." She said timidly.

"... I'm serious what weapon do you use?" I asked after laughing sarcastically.

"Why ask if you won't believe me!" She accused.

"Your like what, 5 foot 4 and you use a great sword? That's kind of unbelievable..." I explained while grabbing a few things from my box.

"Toby said you'd say something like that. He told me to tell you who my parents are. I assume you know who Tara is?" She grinned.

"Of course I do she joined me and Oka more than Toby but she used a bow, that's far from the weight of a great sword."

"I know but do you know Kota?" Her grin turned into an evil smile as she said this.

"That guy who could run with a great sword? Yeah I know him." I muttered as we left for the nearby mountains.

"Not just run with one. He could use them like dual blades!" She waved her arms around as she shouted it.

"He couldn't use them very well though could he? The most he could do was swing in circles..." I explained.

"Still pretty cool though..." She muttered as she took a second look to make sure she grabbed her sword.

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