Chapter 5

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Note at end about thumbnail.

I woke up just as the sun began to rise so I could make as much progress as possible but then I remembered Kaiyo...

Should I wake her up?
Yes then we can get there by noon!
No she looks tired and it would be selfish to wake her up. I was weighing my options here but it was definitely a hard choice. "How about both?" I grinned as I packed everything I needed, strapped Aozora and carried Kaiyo over my shoulder. "Nailed it!"

I continued to walk for about two more hours before Kaiyo woke up. "Umm... Care to explain?" She asked as she woke up a little.

"Wow you really are a morning person aren't you? To answer your question, I couldn't decide on whether to wake you up to leave or let you sleep."

"So you did a bit of both..." She yawned as she shuffled a bit.

"Want me to put you down?" I grinned as I stopped.

"If its possible a more comfortable position would be nice..."

"Bridal or on my back?" I joked as I put her down to stretch and check Aozora.

"The second one." She said plainly.

Just for a joke I picked her up bridal style and walked while ignoring her protests. "At this rate we should get there by... Three or four o'clock?"

"Why are you carrying me like this anyway?" She asked looking at me with a confused expression. "Are you... Trying to tell me something? Maybe that you... Like me?" I could tell she was just trying to get back at me so I continued walking with only a slight blush but since I blush a purple colour it was more noticeable.

"Last time I checked you was watching me sleep so who's in love with who?"

"U-umm I... Let's call it a draw?" She smiled.

"So does that mean you like me or not?" I grinned wider.

"S-shut up!" She blushed and hit me in the shoulder.

Tsundere... I thought as we carried on walking.

We must have been closer than I thought because we got there at around eight am.

"This looks like the place!" I grinned as I began to walk up a carved staircase to the top of the tree.

"Whoa! This is not what I was expecting!" Kaiyo went wide eyed at the village hidden by the leafs of the tree.

"This place looks like it had suffered fire but not enough to be abandoned, only two or three buildings..." Muttered as I put Kaiyo down and handed Aozora to her.

I walked into a large hut that was filled with papers and writing I couldn't understand but I could tell what they used in some of the recipes.
"Powdered light crystal, golden fish scales, Fulgur bugs, fire herbs, monster material and blood from the user..." It sounded like the transformation one and even had pictures of hybrids. "Kaiyo! I think I found the transform one!"

With that Kaiyo ran over and looked through it with wide eyes and a smile.

"So...What monster do you like?" I asked checking my bag for monster parts and scanning the room for parts.

"Seregios or malfestio?" Kaiyo asked almost instantly.

"Seregios are powerful and fast but malfestio are better at flight and have a few tricks. In my opinion Seregios because it looks like the have a scarf."

"Seregios it is then!" She said throwing every thing they need in the caldron then she took her hunting knife and cut her finger for the blood.
"Now what?"

"Uh... It looks like you have to drink it." I looked at the page for anything else but that was it.

"Here it goes..." Kaiyo shrugged before taking a cup and filling it before drinking it fast.
"Uhh... I feel really dizzy now..."

I quickly ran forward to stop Kaiyo from hitting the floor and I saw thick, sharp scales quickly grow from her neck and hands, then the back of her armor snapped as two long yellow and red wings grew out, I also noticed her legs became a lot more muscular and she had grown a long spiky tail.

"I was expecting that to take longer but meh..." I muttered as i held Aozora and sat with Kaiyo's unconscious body.

After about an hour of twiddling my thumbs Kaiyo finally stated to wake up. "Kaiyo! Took you long enough! Ready to find that lost village?" I asked trying to confuse her.

She took a second to think and I saw that all to familiar 'was I dreaming?' look flash for a second before she realised what I did. "Very funny! Y'know I'm stating to see why everyone left you..."

"I'm offended! Right when I was going to say you looked beautiful!" I joked in a fake mock tone.

"Really?" She smiled a big smile with stars in her eyes and her tail began to move fast.

"I was kidding but I guess I could say that looking at you now..." I grinned wider helping her up.

"Oh yeah! Yay, I have wings and a tail!" She twirled on the spot.

Really... I thought she was happy because of her new form but she just enjoys being complemented I guess?
With this I face palmed.
"Can you fly?"

"Wait, how do these work?" Kaiyo asked turning her head to her wings.

"Just try and move them." Its hard to explain how to move to anyone but harder when its wings.

"You are a terrible teacher..."

"I told you I don't teach! Just imagine them moving and what it would feel like and copy it." This time she managed to move them but not fast enough to move anything.
"Let's just practice gliding..."

Me and Kaiyo left the village and stood at one of the drops. "When you jump spread your wings and don't move them unless you start to slow down then flap your wings just once or twice only if your confident alright?"

"I'm taking flying lessons from someone who can barely fly!" Kaiyo laughed before jumping and spreading their wings. "This is so fun!"

Before I jumped I made sure I had Aozora tight around me and then jumped I had to catch up with Kaiyo so I definitely put some effort into flapping. "When you start to feel tired look for a spot to land or you won't make it!"

"I'm not dumb!" Kaiyo smirked as she flew off really fast.

"Malfestio can fly far but no way near as fast as Seregios chameleos can fly somewhere in the middle but clearly it must be harder to fly..." I thought aloud as I struggled to catch up.

"Look we're already near your house!" Kaiyo shouted back before diving forward.

"I need to practice my flying if its this much faster than walking..." I sighed as I let myself slowly fall near the house.

I heard a loud thud in the distance and knew it had to be Kaiyo so when I landed I ran straight to the crash site.
The only thing was there was no crash site Kaiyo landed well.

"When I changed my legs definitely got stronger!" Kaiyo showed off by kicking the air a few times before accidentally hitting a Maccao that had jumped for her, the kick alone killed it instantly but it flew back and hit a tree knocking it down with it.
"Maybe too strong..."

"Let's just get inside first. We need to find a way to hide your wings and... Everything else..." I sighed noticing how hard hiding her will be...

A/N: for some reason I got inspired by my own story to draw, odd right? And I never draw like ever...
I set the final picture as the thumbnail so check it out if you want...

Hunters will always be hunters...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora