Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Start from the beginning

"Whatever kind you want, just study a little," you closed your eyes and curled up in a small ball against his side.

"Maybe tomorrow," you mumbled. You were so sleepy. Yeah, you would study tomorrow. Definitely. Or maybe day after tomorrow. One of these anyways,

"The exams are in two days," you chose to ignore Al and pretend you had fallen asleep. "Are you even listening to me anymore?"

"I am ignoring you," you retorted. "And it's taking almost all of my brainpower."

"What's the rest for?" you heard a rattle of pages, which meant he either went back to reading or closed the book. 

"The rest of what?" your tongue was starting to feel a little heavy in your mouth as the sleep was coming at you with club full of nails, trying to knock you out completely. Luckily you still had some fight left in you.

"The rest of your brain," Alphonse cleared. "You said you use most of your brain to ignore me - which you are failing by the way - so what's the rest doing?"

"Figuring out how much I can fit 'fuck'in one sentence without coming around as rude," you yawned lowly and opened your eyes. "So far I'm only at nineteen."

"Such ambitions," he rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue. "Careful, striving for such greatness gets you put into Slytherin."

"You gorilla-troll," you said the first insult that came to your mind. "There's nothing wrong with old snakies. Your own brother sheds skin with them. Actually, now that you remind me...." you yawned again. "Isn't he graduating?"

"Yeah," Alphonse replied a little tightly. He wasn't getting along with his brother at the moment.

"Agh, anyways," you sat up quickly so you nearly collided foreheads with him. With a wish to get the talk to another topic, possibly something not about strained relationships with family, you went on to babble about the first thing that got to your mind. Not that you didn't usually do that. 

"My sister called again. She's asking you around for the summer. You know, granny wants that as well. Although she doesn't express that. Or any other feelings. She said you boys have gotten too skinny. Again. I mean, gran did. Not sis. Because that would be weird," you shut up when you realized that train had gone so off the rails it couldn't even see the rails anymore.

"You'll come, right," you perked up a little, hoping he would come around. Your left hand scruffing your mane of hair. It was falling over your eyes again, and you blew few curls out of the sight, so they went to stand up in weird angles over your temples.

"Two conditions," he held up two fingers and you sighed. Always some questions. Last year he had wanted apple pie for teaching you how to drive a car. You had made it, although some egg shells had gotten in as well. At least he hadn't seemed to notice.

"Go ahead Tyrion," you mocked a bow. He had never seen Game of the Thrones, although you planned to make him watch it as soon as the last season was completed to complete his education of nerd - ology.

"I don't understand you, muggle," he laughed before going on. "First, no Lord of the Rings marathon this time."

"Duuuuuuude," you groaned like a man on deathbed. "It's a tradition. You like Lord of the Rings."

"I don't, the reason we watch it every year is because you can't stomach being outside with rain," Al argued back, but not meanly. Arguing was more like well - meant sport for the two of you by now.

"Sure you like it, you have seen all the movies..." you did quickly some calculations on your fingers. "Nine times! Nine! Tell me why a person who doesn't like LotR would watch all the movies nine times?" He sighed and just waited for you to give up on the matter. Which you eventually did.

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